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SoFi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

外面看起來很高級,但其實午餐自助餐吃到飽,一人只要7.8歐元,覺得很超值。:) http://www.yinshi-restaurant.de/kontakt/

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歡迎台灣人加入社團 臺灣人在捷克 Taiwanese in Czech

SoFi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This is the most creative and smart movie i have seen recently, although sometimes I feel awkward, but I think part of this movie is trying to convey that how ridiculous the people right now, are focus on mobil phone too much, they start to ignore the people in real life, when you see people in metro, what people are trying to do is focus on cell phone, pretending they are busy something and they are definitely use their time well by doing something is Really meaningful for them. So what happen if you really put your feeling to a computer system? Which is something you cant even touch.

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其實這是我第一次做蛋糕耶,很興奮。XD~ 6顆蛋,蛋黃跟蛋白分開

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鴨裡面塞硬的麵包,碎麵包加 已經炒好的洋蔥+肉,加蔥

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歡迎台灣人加入社團 臺灣人在捷克 Taiwanese in Czech

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選字 > 空白建

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歡迎台灣人加入社團 臺灣人在捷克 Taiwanese in Czech

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