

-1. Din Tai Fung juicy Steamed Buns (鼎泰豐小籠包):
 (1) It’s said that the main restaurant have better taste than the branch in 101.
 (2) Metro: DongMen (東門)
 (3) Only booking: Mon-Fri 10am~9pm(+886-2-2321-8928), No booking: Sat & Holidays 9am-9pm
-2. Fu Hang Dou Jiang (阜 杭豆漿 )
 (1) Metro: Exit 5, Shandao Temple (善導寺)
 (2) Taiwan's Traditional Breakfast.
-3. Pearl Milk Tea (珍珠奶茶): 50 Lan (五十嵐)、Hanlin Tea (台南翰林茶坊)
-4. Spicy hot pot (麻辣火鍋):
 (1) Ding Wang Spicy Hotpot (鼎王麻辣鍋): Taichung is the main store which you can get the best taste. 90 degree bow.
 (2) Wu Lao Spicy Hotpot (無老鍋) : Taichung is the main store
-5. Ay-Chung Flour Rice Noodle (阿忠麵線): In Ximending (西門町).
-6. Beef Noodles (牛肉麵 ): Chuan Wang's Gourmet Beef Noodles (饌王牛肉麵): Zhongxiao Fuxing (忠孝復興) metro.

-1. 真的好 海鮮
-2. 101 欣葉 台灣
-3. 九華樓 廣東
-4. 正福緣 潮州

-1. Breakfast
 (1) Soybean milk (永和豆漿): Clay oven rolls (燒餅), Deep Fried dough sticks (油條), Salty Soybean milk (鹹豆漿)
 (2) Laya Burger (拉亞漢堡)
-2. Pan Fried(品鱻熱炒生猛活海鮮): The best way to taste food with Taiwanese beer on Friday night, 100NTD per plate.
 (1) Metro: Liuzhanli (六張犁)
-3. Noodle: Tainan Tan Tzai Noodles (擔仔麵), Fried Rice Noodles (炒米粉), Oyster Noodles (蚵仔麵線), Donque Duck (當歸鴨)
-4. Food stand: beef(牛雜), pork(豬下水), Pork intestines fire Pot (五更腸旺) Spicy won tons (紅油炒手), Crispy pork short rib (排骨酥), Taiwanese Meatballs (肉圓), mullet  roe (烏魚子), Canned Rice Cake (筒仔米糕), meat on the bone (骨仔肉) Bowled Rice Cake (碗粿), Bamboo Wrapped Meat Dumplings (肉粽), Fried dumplings (鍋貼)
-5. Night market: Large Intestine enfolding small Intestine (大腸包小腸), House special Fried Spicy Chicken breast (鹽酥雞) Broiled CuttleFish (烤魷魚), Dongshan marinated (東山鴨頭), Stinky Pot (臭臭鍋), Spring onion  pancake (蔥油餅), Fried leek dumplings (韭菜盒子), Middle Eastern sandwich wrap (沙威瑪),  Baked Potato (焗烤馬鈴薯), Oyster Omelets (蚵仔煎), Ding Bian Cuo (鼎邊銼), Coffin Bread (棺材板), Spicy Stinky Tofu (麻辣臭豆腐)
-6. Soup: Sweet and Sour soup (酸辣湯), Pig blood Soup (豬血湯), Bitter mellon and Sparerib soup (苦瓜排骨湯), Snake soup (蛇肉湯), Oyster soup (蚵仔湯), Meat Ball Soup (貢丸湯), Milkfish Soup (虱目魚湯), Four flavor Herb soup (四神湯), Pork thick soup (肉羹湯)
-7. Pork: Smmered pig feet (鹵豬腳), Skin of pig head (豬頭皮), pig ear (豬耳朵)
-8. Drink: Papaya Milk (木瓜牛奶), Star Fruit juice (楊桃汁)
-9. Sweet: Honey Cake (蜂蜜蛋糕), Pineapple Cake (鳳梨酥), Taichung Sun Cake (台中太陽餅), Red Bean Cake (紅豆餅), Green Bean Pastry (綠豆椪), (芋仔冰), Tomatoes on stick (糖葫蘆), Yokan (羊羹), Candy Sweet Potatoes (糖番薯), Puffed-rice Cakes (米香), Black Herb Pudding With small Pearl balls Soup (仙草粉圓)
-10. Winter: Ginger Duck Hot Pot (薑母鴨), Braised Lamb Hot Pot (羊肉爐)


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