目前分類:Europe 歐洲 (18)

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Scoot(Insider referral code: EJHEJGJ)

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Booking.com 最有名,會員制可以返錢,只是要等很久

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我發現很多人都不知道這個功能,在此分享給大家, 希望對您有用。:)

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(1) 直接用台灣的提款卡在國外的ATM領錢

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Hello, everyone! Since transportation is the most difficult part of my trip, i would love to give the latest information about my trip, in case anyone have the same problem as mine, because normally i spend too much time fooling around Internet but find something useless or it is long time ago, as I'm not dare hitchhiking and i don't have so much money, i think this would be useful for someone like me, if possible, i always choose the cheapest way to travel, or you can take it as my record of transportation, this article will update until i finish my trip. :)

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突然覺得住在台灣很幸福,因為台灣治安比較好,心裡壓力比較沒有那麼大。以下防偷方法,是我綜合網路上及朋友的經驗,希望能幫助到大家在歐洲旅行, 但我覺得並沒有歐洲比較容易被偷的意思, 其實不管到哪裡旅行都一樣要小心, 只是在亞洲人比較少的地方, 台灣人看起來就是觀光客:

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