歡迎台灣人加入社團 臺灣人在捷克 Taiwanese in Czech
申請工作簽證是一條很長又花錢的路,當時花好多時間尋找相關資訊都非常不健全,問很多次台灣的捷克大使館,回答矛盾(他們說要出生證明, 但在這次的申請過程中完全沒有任何單位需要這個文件,害我花好多時間跟醫院聯絡出生證明),在此希望能給予相關人士參考。根據您所在地不同,所準備資料應 有異。在此分享漫長的申請工作簽證的過程, 心裡都非常想罵髒話, 要準備一堆東西, 麻煩死了!! 將近快1年的時間。:(
* Apply: Labor office, in the city of your company (Úřad práce České republiky - krajská pobočka pro hlavní město Prahu, http://portal.mpsv.cz/upcr/kp/pha)
* Waiting Time: Changes with your labor office is busy or not. Please confirm with them what document they need.
2013/07 Taiwan, applying
1) Criminal Records: in Police station, translate in Czech, later notarized by CZ embassy in Taiwan
2) Diploma: verified by Taiwan notary, later MOFA of Taiwan, later CZ embassy in Taiwan.
2013/08/07 Arrive in Frankfurt Airport
2013/08/22 Labor office, ask how to apply CZ visa, they suggest me a CZ university to equivalent my diploma in Taiwan
2013/09/17 Labor office, get Working permit or Ref. No.
2013/09 Prepare Document for CZ university to get Nostrifikace
1) Formulář nostrifikace (application and document required, every university changes, please confirm with them again)
2) Diploma (Original, or certificated copy by CZ notary, or by your country: Ministry of Foreign Affairs/CZ embassy/Notary)
3) Transcript (Original, or certificated copy by CZ notary, or by your country: Ministry of Foreign Affairs/CZ embassy/Notary)
4) Diploma, translated in Czech. (Certificated translator, attached with original/copy one, stamp on it)
5) Transcript, translated in Czech. (Certificated translator, attached with original/copy one, stamp on it)
2013/10/02 Czech university in Prague, to apply Nostrifikace
2013/10/07 Get Nostrifikace, go to Labor office to get Working permit document
1) 2" photo
2) Passport
3) Work Contract with employer
4) English certificate. Ex. TOEFL (translate in Czech, verified by CZ post office)
5) Nostrifikace (apply in CZ university, related or equal to your original country university, if you don't know, ask labor office recommend you CZ university)
2013/10/16 CZ embassy in Vienna of Austria, Apply Short term and long term Visa
details: http://aluileung.pixnet.net/blog/post/29302043
1) passport
2) 2 pcs, 2" photographs
3) Criminal Records
4) Working permit from labor office
5) accommodation contract
6) 97 EURO
2013/10/18 Short term Visa is ready to pick up
2013/10/29 Get short term visa, 2013/11/05~2014/02/02
2013/11/12 Long term visa ready to pick up
2013/01/15 CZ embassy in Austria, Pick up long term visa, expire date 2014/05/11
2013/01/22 Alien Police, State Border Crossing Report
1) Passport
2) Health Insurance card
2014/2/27 Labor office in my city, ask how to apply CZ Residnece permit
2014/03/06 Alien Police, apply CZ Residence permit
1) CZ residence application form, green
2) Accomodation contract
3) Health insurance card
4) 2" Photo
5) Passport
2014/05/13 Alien Police, Take photo and fingerprint
1) Passport
2) paper noted with appointment time
2014/05/27 Alien Police, Pick up residence permit card, until 2015/9/30
1) Passport
2) paper noted with appointment time
3) 2500kc
2015/06/30 Alien Police, Apply new CZ Residence permit, start the earliest 3 months before expiration.