
歡迎台灣人加入社團 臺灣人在捷克 Taiwanese in Czech

Muž mluví s prodavačkou

A man is talking with a shop clerk

Kterou košili si koupí?

Which shirt is he going to buy? myslíte, která košíle je lepší?

Hmm..which shirt do you think is better?

Ta bílá nebo modrá?

The white one, or the blue one?

No, myslím, že ta modrá je dobrá

Well, I think the blud is good

Jde vám k vašemu šedému saku

It goes well with your gray jacket

Myslíte? Ale už asi ne k mé červené kravatě, že?

You think so? But it doesn’t go well with mz red tie, does it?

No..ano, souhlasím

Well..yes I agree

Dobře, tak si vezmu tu bílou, ne tu modrou

Ok, then I will take the white one, not the blue one


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