6/28 23:00 @ Viewshow with K
K said that he want to relax and understand more joke meaning of this movie, then we went for this movie as his third time. This movie was really funny I can’t deny, but for me the most funny movie that I ever see is Trophic Thunder, that movie really make fun from the beginning to the end. This movie somehow also try to make joke from the beginning to the end, but for me there are still some jokes are too easy to understand that it is hard for me to laugh, as I already know how the joke will go, that doesn’t give so much surprise, as I expected something else. All in all, this movie isn’t that bad at all, there still some jokes that worth to recall many time to make my life feel more interesting. :P I enjoy the most with beginning that the doctor tell the patient about the result of AIDS, the transfer feeling from happy to sad, it is classic!! So funny this movie, it's worth to watch!! :D~