
歡迎加入 新加坡房客徵租屋 Singapore Rent Request


Example: you are in Singapore. SGD is local currency.

You have 100 EUR, want to change SGD
Check rate: WE(money changer) BUY EUR, the HIGHER, the better
EUR/SGD=1.5, 100EUR*1.5=150SGD
EUR/SGD=1.6, 100EUR*1.6=160SGD
You have 100 SGD, want to change EUR
You check: WE SELL EUR, the LOWER the better
EUR/SGD=1.5, 100SGD/1.5=66.67 EUR
EUR/SGD=1.6, 100SGD/1.6=62.5 EUR
It's not wise to change EUR to USD in SG, because EUR to SGD, SGD to USD, you will need to change 2 times.

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