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V放棄 Abandon, desert, abdicate, relinquish, quit, forsake
V使沉迷 使上隱 Addict, give in to, surrender, habituate
V吸引 引誘 Allure, seduce, coax, tempt, lure, attract
Adv大約 Approximately, roughly, about, around, close to
V使困惑Baffle, confuse, perplex, bewilder, puzzle, confound
N能力Caliber, ability, capability, quality
N直徑, 口徑Caliber, breadth, diameter
N凝塊Clot, mass, lump, coagulation, cluster, clump
V協調Compromise, mediate, negotiate, bargain, reconcile, arbitrate
Adj當代的 同時代的Contemporary, current, modern, present-day
V築堤 Dam, block, restrict, hold back
V描述 Portray, picture, describe
V洩露 Disclose, expose, unveil, uncover, reveal
adj古怪的Eccentric, odd, queer, strange
N天份 Endowment, talent, faculty, attribute
N捐贈 Endowment, donation, bestowal
N地產 財產 Estate, domain, demesne, manor, property
N質地Fabric, textile, material
N結構Fabric, framework, structure
N 饑荒Famine, hunger
N結合 Fusion, merger, coalescence, union
Adj憔悴的 haggard, gaunt, careworn, wan, emaciated
Adj不識字的 illiterate, unlettered, uncultured, uneducated, ignorant
Adj不注意的inadvertent, accidental, fortuitous, unintentional, incidental
Adj最深處的innermost, deepest, private
N危險jeopardy, risk, peril, hazard
V繫帶子lace, tie, fasten
V穿帶子lace, pass through
V使平靜 使入睡 lull, calm, pacify, quiet
N壯麗magnificence, brilliance, grandeur, majesty, resplendence
Adj 多變的 mercurial, changeable, erratic, mobile, capricious, inconstant
Adj汙穢的 nasty, filthy, foul
Adj令人不快的nasty, disagreeable, unpleasant
N訃聞obituary, death notice, necrology
N裝飾品ornamentation, adornment, decoration, embellishment, elaboration
N定跑速的人, 引導者pacesetter, leader
Adj有害的, 惡性的 pernicious, harmful, deleterious, venomous, noxious, poisonous
N計畫plot, intrigue, scheme
V密謀plot, conspire, intrigue, scheme
N獵物prey, game, quarry, victim
N隔離quarantine, isolation
N發光 閃爍radiance, light, gleam, luminosity
Adj有關的related, pertinent, fitting, proper
V報復retaliate, revenge, reciprocate, get even with, exact retribution
Adj睿智的sagacious, wise, intelligent
Adj感情上的sentimental, emotional
V滑行slither, glide, slide, skitter
V接合splice, join together, connect, interweave, unite
V使有效率streamline, smooth, simplify
Adj粗暴的surly, sullen, uncivil, brusque
N禁忌taboo, ban, disapproval, prohibition proscription
V阻擾thwart, prevent, obstruct, balk
Adj最終的ultimate, final, terminal, eventual
Adj空的vacant, empty, available, disengaged, unoccupied
V放棄waive, give up, relinquish, renounce, abandon
V影印Xerox, copy
V使困窘 使侷促不安 abash, embarrass, shame
Adj足夠的 適當的 adequate, sufficient, ample, suitable, enough
Adj漠不關心的aloof, indifferent, detached
Adv遠離地aloof, apart, at a distance
V禁止ban, forbid, prohibit
Adj平靜的calm, mild, gentle, serene, pacific, tranquil
V使安靜calm, still, pacify
N小教堂 chapel, oratory
Adj強迫的 義務的compulsory, obligatory, required, requisite, mandatory
Adj輕蔑的 contemptuous, scornful, sneering, disdainful
Adj潮濕的dank, damp, moist, wet, soggy
V廢除王位 depose, dethrone, oust
N意見不合 discord, disharmony, dispute, conflict, quarrel
V引出educe, bring out, draw forth, elicit
V贊同 背書endorse, approve, support, sanction, advocate
N尊敬esteem, respect, honor, reverence
N一面facet, aspect, face, side, part
V波動 變動 fluctuate, alternate, wave
V否認gainsay, deny, disagree
N混種 混血兒 hybrid, half-breed, mixture
N成語 慣用語 idiom, expression, phrase
Adj不適合的inappropriate, unsuitable, improper, unfit, incongruous
Adj無害的innocuous, harmless, inoffensive, vapid, insipid, innocent
N拉扯 jerk, twitch, pull, yank
Adj簡潔的laconic, concise, compact, pithy, short, succinct
N木材lumber, wood, timber, logs
V放大magnify, enlarge, expand, amplify, augment
adj海洋的 maritime, marine, oceanic, nautical, seafaring
v合併 merge, combine, blend, amalgamate
adj逢迎的 諂媚的 obsequious, abject, servile, fawning, cringing
adj裝飾的 華麗的 ornate, beautiful, ornamented, elaborate
n協定 條約 pact, agreement, treaty, compact, contract
adj垂直的 perpendicular, at a right angle, steep, upright
n羽毛 plume, feather, plumage
adj麻煩的 prickly, complicated, troublesome, intricate, trying
adj愛抱怨的 發牢騷的 querulous, complaining, discontented, fretful
adj基本的 radical, basic, fundamental
adj偏激的 radical, extreme, rash, drastic
v放棄 撤退 relinquish, give up, forgo, disclaim, renounce
v阻礙 retard, delay, hold up, stunt, impede
adj鹹的saline, salty
n續集sequel, consequence, continuation
n標語 口號slogan, motto, catch-phrase
adj自然的spontaneous, natural, impulsive, ingenuous, instinctive
adj費力的 奮鬥的 strenuous, energetic, ardent, arduous, vigorous
adj臆測 surmise, guess, presume, conjecture, suppose
v策略 tactic, maneuver, strategy
n層tier, layer, stratum
n最後通牒 哀的美敦書 ultimatum, demand, exaction, requirement
n流浪漢vagabond, wanderer, vagrant, hobo
n罷工 walkout, protest, strike, stoppage
v渴望 yearn, desire, long for, covet, hunger
v減弱abate, diminish, lessen, subside, reduce, curtail
v黏附 附著 adhere, stick, cling, cleave, attach, cohere
v交替 輪流 alternate, rotate, reciprocate, interchange, take turns
adv適當地 aptly, appropriately, properly, suitable, fittingly
adj陳腐的 banal, common, trite, stereotyped, stale, hackneyed, clichéd
n活動 戰役campaign, operation, movement, battle, fight, combat
n聚集 cluster, clump, bunch, batch
v計算 compute, count, estimate, calculate, measure, reckon, figure
n爭論 爭鬥 competition, struggle, argument, conflict
n黎明 dawn, sunrise, daybreak
v感到遺憾 deplore, mourn, grieve, sorrow
adj謹慎的 discreet, prudent, cautious, judicious, careful, wary
adj陰森的 可怕的 eerie, weird, awesome, fearful, ghastly, spooky
adj自負的egotistic, self-centered, egocentric, narcissistic, self-important
v忍耐 持久 endure, bear, abide, tolerate, stand
adj輕易的 靈巧的facile, easy, skillful, adroit, effortless, simple
v臉紅flush, blush, redden
v逐出flush, eject, expel
adj勇敢的gallant, brave, daring, courageous
v停止 halt, pull up, stop, pause
v崇拜 idolize, admire, worship, adore
adj不斷的 incessant, continuous, constant, ceaseless, continual, everlasting
adj不節制的 過度的inordinate, excessive, immoderate, intemperate, exorbitant
v丟棄 放棄jettison, cast, throw, hurl, abandon, give up
v哀悼 lament, deplore, bemoan, bewail
adj發光的 luminous, bright, radiant, shining
n強度magnitude, extent, immensity, great size, enormity
n優點 價值 merit, credit, virtue, worth
v應得merit, deserve, be entitled to
v駕駛 航行 navigate, sail, cruise, steer
adj歪斜的 oblique, slanting, inclined, sloping, titled
adj閃爍其詞的oblique, evasive, roundabout
adj排斥 放逐ostracize, shun, banish, expel, exile, expatriate
adj美味的 合口味的 delicious, savory, tasty, dainty
v犯罪 作惡perpetrate, commit, perform, execute, inflict
v掠奪plunder, rob, pillage, ravage, harry, sack, loot
n休會adjourn, postpone, prorogue
n探求quest, search, expedition, pursuit
n襲擊 raid, attack, invasion, assault, inroad, incursion
v喜歡 享受 relish, enjoy, appreciate
n美味 喜愛relish, taste, flavor, gusto, savor
v反駁retort, respond, reply, answer, retaliate
adj有益健康的 有益的salutary, wholesome, helpful, salubrious, healthful
adj寧靜的serene, calm, peaceful, composed, tranquil, pacific
adj遲緩的 怠惰的sluggish, idle, indolent, lazy, inactive, lethargic
adj零星的sporadic, occasional, irregular,
adj粗糙的 尖銳的 strident, harsh, shrill, rough, sharp
v克服 超越surmount, exceed, overcome, conquer, vanquish, surpass
n計算 tally, count, reckoning, score
v符合tally, accord, match, conform
v傾斜 tilt, incline, lean, slant, cant
adj全體一致的 unanimous, harmonious, united, accordant, agreeing
adj模糊的 曖昧的vague, dim, obscure, ambiguous, indistinct, unclear
v打滾的 wallow, toss, tumble, roll, flounder
v讓步 屈服 yield, succumb, give in, submit, surrender
v生產yield, produce, bear
v縮減 abbreviate, shorten, reduce, condense, abridge
adj鄰接的 adjacent, adjoining, bordering, neighboring, contiguous
n選擇alternative, choice, option, selection, substitute
adj武斷的 專制的 arbitrary, dictatorial, subjective, domineering
adj隨意的 arbitrary, random, capricious
n副業 嗜好 avocation, diversion, hobby, occupation, pastime
n候選人candidate, nominee, office-seeker, applicant, aspirant
v凝結 coagulate, solidify, jell, congeal, clot, curdle
v隱藏 conceal, hide, cover, secrete, stow
n鄰接 contiguity, juxtaposition, abutment, union, meeting
v使暈眩 使困惑 daze, dazzle, confuse, stun
v剝奪deprive, strip, dispossess, divest, bereave, denude
n差異 不符 discrepancy, inconsistency, disagreement, divergence, discordance
v消除efface, erase, eradicate, expunge, delete
v全神貫注absorb, preoccupy, engage, engross
adj種族的 人種的 ethnic, racial, national, native
v使容易 促進facilitate, smooth, ease, promote, speed up
adj起泡沫的foamy, bubbling, sparkling
n衣服garment, clothing, robe, costume, attire, dress
v妨礙handicap, penalize, hamper, encumber
v點燃ignite, kindle, catch, fire
v煽動ignite, agitate, stir, excite
adj率直的ingenuous, frank, trustful, plain, innocent
n查詢 調查inquiry, search, research, quest, investigation, inspection
adj滑稽的 詼諧的 jocular, joking, funny, jocose, humorous, jesting
n風景 landscape, vista, view
v誘惑 lure, entice, decoy, tempt, coax
n犧牲者 victim, sacrifice, martyr
adj小心翼翼的 meticulous, careful
adj模糊的 nebulous, ambiguous, hazy
adj忘記的 不注意的oblivious, forgetful, unaware of
adj表面上的 假裝的seeming, ostensible
adj蒼白的 無光澤的pallid, pale, bloodless, wan, sallow, white
adj永久的 perpetual, everlasting, unceasing, constant, unending
v跳進plunge, submerge, dive, descend, dip, sink
adj主要的principal, chief, foremost, prime, main, leading
n遁辭quibble, evasion, equivocation, sophism
adj蔓延的 猖獗的 猛烈的 rampant, widespread, rife, uncontrollable, excessive
adj不情願的reluctant, unwilling, loath, averse, hesitant
v撤退 retreat, withdraw, recede, draw back
n批准sanction, confirmation, permission
n制裁sanction, boycott, penalty
n挫折 後退setback, backslide, defeat
v塗髒 中傷smear, stain, besmirch, smudge
v刺激spur, incite, arouse, instigate, stir up
adj嚴厲的stringent, strict, exacting, severe, forceful, rigorous
v凌駕surpass, excel, outdo, exceed
n奴隸thrall, slave, serf, bondsman
adj膽怯的timid, fearful, cowardly, shy
adj謙虛的 unassuming, modest, retiring, reversed, humble
adj勇敢的valiant, dauntless, brave, courageous, gallant, valorous
adj蒼白的wan, pale, pallid, colorless, ashen
n束縛yoke, bond, chain, link, tie, union
v唆使 幫助abet, aid, assist, support, encourage
n附屬物 伴隨物 adjunct, appendix, addition, supplement, complement, accessory
n高度altitude, height, elevation
adj古老的archaic, ancient, antique, outdated, obsolete, old
v放逐 banish, exile, dismiss, expel, deport
v討論canvass, examine, discuss, sift
v拉票 遊說canvass, solicit, campaign, poll
n聯合 coalition, union, alliance, league
v構想conceive, devise, frame
v收縮contract, shrink, narrow, reduce
n停頓 僵持 deadlock, bottleneck, impasse
v嘲弄deride, laugh at, mock, sneer, taunt
adj個別的 分離的 discrete, separate, distinct, discontinuous
adj精巧的elaborate, intricate, delicate, painstaking, complicated
v加強enhance, intensify, strengthen, heighten, advance, augment
n民族學ethnology, study of races
n摹寫 複製facsimile, likeness, duplicate, copy, replica
n缺點 弱點foible, weakness, shortcoming, whimsy
v喘氣gasp, pant, choken
adj偶然的 隨便的 haphazard, accidental, incidental, unplanned, unorganized
adj非法的illicit, illegal, illegitimate
adj懷疑的 incredulous, skeptical, doubtful, distrustful, suspicious, dubious
adj貪婪的 insatiable, greedy, voracious
adj喜悅的 jubilant, overjoyed, rejoicing, enraptured, elated
adj無精神的languid, weak, weary, sluggish, inert, lethargic, drooping
n欲望 lust, desire, sensuality, avarice, carnality
n怨恨malice, spite, ill, will, animosity
adj大都市的metropolitan, civil, urban, city-wide
adj邪惡的nefarious, heinous, wicked, vicious, villainous, evil, atrocious
adj猥褻的obscene, indecent, filthy, foul, lewd, dirty
n爆發outburst, eruption, explosion, blowup
n萬靈藥panacea, cure-all, universal remedy
v使困惑perplex, puzzle, baffle, bewilder, confound
n在前priority, antecedent
n優先權priority, preference, greater, importance
adj安靜的quiescent, still, motionless, fixed, stationary
adj隨便的 無目的的random, casual, haphazard, fortuitous, unplanned
n回顧retrospect, reminiscence, reflection, remembrance, review
v回響reverberate, echo, rebound, resound, recoil
adj衛生的sanitary, hygienic, clean, sterilized, germfree, safe
v切斷sever, separate, cut off, cleave
n汙點smudge, smear, soil, blotch, stain
v浪費squander, waste, dissipate
n條紋stripe, line, streak, band
n剩餘surplus, excess, remainder, oversupply
adj相等的tantamount, equivalent, equal
n色彩tint, hue, tinge
adj不可思議的uncanny, fantastic, mysterious, eerie, unearthly, weird
v克服vanquish, crush, conquer, overcome, overwhelm
v虧缺wane, decrease, lessen, ebb
n狂熱者 zealot, devotee, fan, partisan, believer
adj永久的 持續性的 abiding, lasting, perpetual, enduring, continual, never-ending
v勸告 admonish, advise, reprove
v積聚 收集 amass, collect, gather, accumulate, heap, aggregate
n檔案 記錄 archive, record, file, chronicle, annals
v嘲弄banter, joke, tease, deride, jeer, ridiculous
n監禁captivity, imprisonment, confinement, bondage
adj一致的adhering, logical, consistent, rational, orderly
adj安撫的conciliatory, reconciliatory, pacificatory, placatory
n差異 對照contrast, difference, opposition, disparity, dissimilarity
n缺乏dearth, lack, shortage, scarcity
n, adj衍生之物的derivative, development, outgrow, byproduct
v輕蔑disdain, despise, scorn, spurn
v經過 消逝elapse, pass, slip away, glide by, lapse
n謎enigma, puzzle, riddle, mystery
n禮節etiquette, manners, formalities, decorum
n黨派faction, clique, sect, party, denomination
n樹葉foliage, leaves, leafage
v測量gauge, measure, estimate, evaluate, rate, assess
v侵擾harass, trouble, disturb, annoy, plague, pester, vex
v吸入imbibe, drink, absorb, suck, swallow, receive
v賠償secure, save, compensate, reimburse, remunerate
v插入insert, inset, inject, stuff in
adj明智的judicious, sensible, sage, sagacious, wise
adj側面的lateral, side, flanking, sideward
v誹謗malign, defame, libel, disparage
adj有害的malign, harmful, malignant, vicious
v移居migrate, journey, travel
adj慷慨的munificent, generous, bounteous, liberal, beneficent, bountiful
adj否定的negative, refusing, denying, dissenting
adj微暗的obscure, faint, shadowy, gloomy, veiled, blurred
n叫喊outcry, clamor, tumult, shout, exclamation
n全景panorama, scene, vista, sight, view
adj持續性的persistent, lasting, immovable, immutable, insistent, persevering
n投票poll, election, ballot
n正直 廉潔probity, integrity, honesty, uprightness, rectitude
adj幻想的 不實際的 quixotic, visionary, unrealistic, whimsical, crazy
v使心痛rankle, irritate, fester, gall
n回憶reminiscence, memory, remembrance, recollection
n尊敬reverence, respect, honor, adoration, veneration, worship
adj有智慧的sapient, wise, intelligent, sage, sagacious, knowledgeable
adj嚴厲的severe, strict, harsh, tough, rigid
v咆哮snarl, growl, grumble
v壓扁squash, crush, mash, squeeze, flatten
v努力strive, endeavor, strain, struggle
adj秘密的surreptitious, stealthy, furtive, sneaky, secret
v輕敲tap, pat, knock, rap, strike
n龍頭tap, faucet, valve, outlet
n初學者 新手tyro, beginner, novice, learner
adj隱秘的ulterior, hidden, secret, concealed
adj無味的 無趣的vapid, insipid, flavorless, flat, uninteresting
adj放縱的 胡亂的wanton, lewd, loose, lustful, reckless, wild
n頂點zenith, top, summit, peak, apex, pinnacle, acme
v廢除abolish, annul, abrogate, wipe out
v接受 採用 adopt, embrace, accept
v收養adopt, foster, take in
n業餘者amateur, nonprofessional, dilettante, hobbyist
adj費力的arduous, laborious, toilsome, onerous, strenuous, difficult
adj不毛的barren, unproductive, infertile, sterile, desolate
v刻carve, cut, sculpture, slice
v編造 鑄造coin, create, invent, mold, fabricate
v構想 設計contrive, devise, construct, design, concoct, fabricate
adj嬌羞的coy, bashful, reserved, shy
v哀微 腐敗decay, rot, decline, degenerate
n降落descent, fall, drop, comedown
v使厭惡disgust, nauseate, sicken, offend
adj彈性的flexible, pliable, adaptable
v入伍 徵募enlist, enroll, engage, join, sign up, register
n頌辭 頌揚eulogy, compliment, glorification, tribute, commendation
n贗品fake, copy, fraud, imitation, phony
adj極簡單的 安全無比的foolproof, certain, guaranteed, infallible
adj骨瘦如柴的 憔悴的gaunt, bony, lean, haggard
adj嚴厲的harsh, rough, severe, stern
v模仿imitate, mimic, copy, ape, simulate
adj好奇的 好問的inquisitive, curious, inquiring, questioning, prying
v暗示insinuate, suggest, hint, imply
n管轄權 裁判權jurisdiction, judicial, right, prerogative, legal right
adj潛在的 潛伏的latent, concealed, hidden, veiled, lurking, underlying
v褒獎 讚美laud, praise, extol, compliment
adj順從的malleable, flexible, moldable, tractable, impressionable
adj不足取的 無關緊要的negligible, unimportant, insignificant, trifling, petty
v迷戀 著魔obsess, haunt, besiege, beset
n遠足outing, excursion, expedition, pleasure trip
adj矛盾的paradoxical, contradictory
n觀點perspective, attitude, way of looking, proportion
n瓷器porcelain, china
adj浪費的prodigal, extravagant, wasteful
n配額quota, allocation, portion, proportion, ration
n狂喜rapture, ecstasy, delight, exaltation
n殘屑remnant, small piece, shred, remainder, residue
v倒轉reverse, invert, turn back
v取消 廢棄reverse, alter, overthrow, upset
adj諷刺的satirical, bitter, cynical, ironical, sarcastic, sardonic
v沸騰seethe, boil, surge, churn, fizz
n哨兵sentry, watch, guard, sentinel, watchman, patrol
adj破舊的shabby, run-down, frayed, ragged, tattered, poor
v溜走sneak, slink, slip
v壓榨 緊握squeeze, compress, wring, grip, crush, clutch
adj緩慢的tardy, overdue, late, slow
v使痛苦torment, afflict, torture, agonize, distress, rack
v蒸發vaporize, mystify
n令狀 授權書warrant, assurance, authority, sanction, commission, guarantee
adj鋸齒狀的 曲折的zigzag, winding, devious
adj土著的aboriginal, native, indigenous, primeval, primitive
n來臨advent, approach, arrival, coming
n矛盾ambivalence, clash, conflict, contradiction, equivocation, uncertainty
n年鑑annals, chronicle, history, archive
adj乾燥的arid, dry, parched, waterless, moistureless
n障礙barrier, obstacle, impediment, hindrance, handicap
adj褻瀆神的blasphemous, impious, sacrilegious, profane, irreverent
n大災難disaster, catastrophe, calamity, devastation, destruction
v同時發生coincide, synchronize
v符合 一致coincide, accord, harmonize, correspond
v創造 調和concoct, invent, devise
n爭論controversy, argument, dispute, quarrel, conflict, contention
adj欺騙的deceptive, misleading, deceitful, false, delusive, fake
v指派designate, assign, appoint, delegate
v命名designate, name, label, entitle
v使幻滅disillusion, disenchant, break the spell
v引出elicit, evoke, extract, bring out, derive, draw out, educe
n敵意enmity, hostility, hatred, animosity, antagonism, rancor
adj悅耳的euphonious, melodious, harmonious, mellifluous, dulcet
adj錯誤的fallacious, incorrect, erroneous
adj毛茸茸的fluffy, downy, cottony
adj膠狀的gelatinous, gluey, glutinous, gummy, jelly-like, sticky, viscous
v孵hatch, breed, incubate, bring forth
adj龐大的immense, huge, massive, gigantic, tremendous, colossal
adj本地的 indigenous, native, endemic, aboriginal
adj天生的 indigenous, innate, inborn
v調查inspect, investigate, scan, survey, check, examine
adj少年的 幼稚的juvenile, immature, adolescent, junior, young
v發射launch, propel, discharge, send off, dispatch, set afloat
n木槌 mallet, wooden hammer
v模仿 mimic, copy, simulate, resemble, mirror, imitate
v急速發展mushroom, grow, spread, boom, expand, flourish, spring up
v細咬nibble, gnaw, bite, munch, nip, peck, pick at
v比..還久outlast, outlive, survive, last longer than
adj最高的 最重要的paramount, supreme, dominant, superior, preeminent, foremost
v流汗perspire, sweet, swelter, drip, exude
adj可攜帶的 手提的portable, movable, conveyable, easily carried, handy
adj熟練的proficient, skillful, expert, dexterous, competent, adept
n精神 靈魂psyche, mind, soul, spirit
v移管 委託relegate, consign, commit, assign, refer
v放逐relegate, eject, expel
adj遙遠的remote, distant, faraway, far-off
v恢復revert, go back, turn back, backslide, regress, resume
adj鱗狀的scaly, flaky, scurfy
adj陰暗的shady, dim, shaded
adj可疑的shady, fishy, suspicious, untrustworthy
adj勢利的snobbish, arrogant, high-hat, pretentious, snooty
n熊鹿stag, male deer
v布滿suffuse, spread over, fill, bathe, pervade, permeate
n懸疑suspense, uncertainty, ambiguity, doubt, anxiety, expectancy
v使灰暗tarnish, discolor, taint, blacken, blemish, darken, dim
n急流torrent, rapid stream, gush
v破壞undermine, impair, sabotage, disable, weaken, subvert
n變化variation, alternation, change, deviation, diversity, difference
adj小心的wary, cautious, heedful, careful
adv突然地abruptly, suddenly, rudely, precipitately, unexpectedly, rashly
adj反對的adverse, opposing, hostile, contrary, reverse, antagonistic
v漫步的amble, ramble, roam, stroll
adj算術的arithmetical, mathematical, computational, numerical
v增大augment, increase, multiply
v以物易物barter, exchange, trade
n邊緣brim, edge, rim, brink, verge
n小瀑布cascade, waterfall
v分類categorize, classify, sort, group, systemize, rank
v合作collaborate, cooperate, coproduce, affiliate
v通敵collaborate, conspire, collude
n和諧 一致concord, accord, agreement, harmony, concert, unanimity
v解讀decipher, make out, decode
adj荒涼的desolate, barren, dreary, solitary, waste, lonely
adj憂鬱的 陰沉的dismal, gloomy, depressing
adj合格的eligible, qualified, fitted, suitable
adj經驗的 實驗的empirical, experimental, observed, pragmatic, perceptual
v撤離 清除evacuate, depart, withdraw, empty, purge, remove
v猶豫 動搖falter, hesitate, totter, stammer, stutter, waver
v預測forecast, predict, foresee, forebode, foretell, prophesy
n寶石gem, jewel, precious, stone
v拖拉haul, draw, pull, dray, tow, tug
v迫切的 即將來臨的imminent, coming, impending, approaching, near, close at hand
adj貧乏的indigent, poor, impoverished, poverty-stricken, destitute, needy
n分期付款installment, chapter, division
n裝設installment, setting, installation, setting up, positioning
adj鋒利的 敏銳的keen, piercing, sharp, edged, cutting
v跳躍leap, jump, hop, spring
adj龐大的mammoth, titanic, immense, gigantic, colossal, gargantuan
adj小的miniature, minute, tiny, petite, diminutive, minuscule
v集合muster, gather, assemble, convene
adj敏捷的 靈巧的nimble, spry, agile, brisk
n障礙obstacle, barrier, hindrance, obstruction, impediment
n出口outlet, exit, opening, vent, escape, egress
n諷刺詩文parody, burlesque, caricature, travesty, lampoon, satire
adj貼切的pertinent, appropriate, apt, relevant, to the point, proper
adj深奧的profound, deep, unfathomed, serious, abysmal
adj輕率的rash, heedless, indiscreet, reckless
v給予 表現render, give, deliver, supply, perform, present
v取消 廢除revoke, abolish, annual, rescind, retract, invalidate
v審查 掃描scan, examine, survey, look over
n鞘sheath, scabbard, case, envelope
v使破碎smash, mash, shatter, break into pieces
n插座 凹處socket, receptacle, outlet, hole, pit, cavity
v蹣跚 搖晃stagger, falter, totter, waver, sway, teeter
v阻礙stunt, retard, cramp, check
adj可疑的suspicious, doubtful, incredulous, uncertain, skeptical, dubious
adj酸的 辛辣的tart, acid, sharp, piquant, biting, cutting, pungent
adj扭曲的tortuous, spiral, winding, crooked, twisting, coiled
v強調 畫底線underscore, underline, emphasize, stress, accent
adj激烈的 熱情的vehement, violent, forceful, passionate, fervent, ardent
adj搖擺的 猶豫的wavering, swinging, swaying, hesitant, hesitate, tottery
adj抽象的abstract, symbolic, imaginary, conceptual
n摘要abstract, summary, epitome, outline
v提倡advocate, recommend, propose, uphold, espouse, promote
n舒適amenity, comforts, cordiality, amiability, pleasance
n芳香aroma, fragrance, scent, odor, perfume, savor, bouquet
adj嚴厲的austere, stern, strict, severe, ascetic, astringent
n珠子bead, drop, pellet, ball
adj活潑的 敏捷的brisk, lively, spirited, vigorous, frisky, nimble
adj著名的celebrated, famous, well-known, noted, famed, prominent
v碰撞collide, bump, crash, clash
v同意 一致concur, agree, assent, coincide
adj傳統的 conventional, orthodox, customary, formal, traditional
n傾斜declivity, decline, drop, descent
adj極窮困的destitute, poor, stripped, broke
v使迷失方向disorient, confuse
v去除eliminate, exclude, eradicate, eject, remove, get rid of
v鑲嵌 鏤刻enchase, engrave
adj最後的eventual, ultimate, final, at last, consequent, succeeding
n鬧劇farce, travesty, burlesque, fiasco, buffoonery, mockery
adj主要的foremost, leading, primary, chief, uppermost, prime
adj遺傳的genetic, innate, hereditary, inherited, genic
n避難所haven, refuge, shelter, asylum
adj靜止的immobile, immovable, motionless
adj不加區別的indiscriminate, random, heterogeneous, chaotic, miscellaneous
v開始institute, start, commerce, originate
n學會 研究所institute, society, college
n知識範圍ken, knowledge, scope
v租 lease, rent, hire, demise
n租約lease, leasehold, contract
adj強制性的mandatory, obligatory, compulsory, required, commanding, imperative
adj微小的minuscule, tiny, small, minute
n突變 變化mutation, change, variation, metamorphosis, transformation
adj游牧的nomadic, wandering, roving
adj頑固的obstinate, stubborn, headstrong, unyielding, pertinacious, pig-headed
adj在外的outlying, outer, exterior
adj偏遠的outlying, distant, remote, far-off
adj吝嗇的 節儉的parsimonious, miserly, frugal, excessively, stingy, thrifty
v擾亂perturb, disturb, upset, harass, distress, bother
n肖像portrait, painting, image, picture, likeness, depiction
n預斷prognosis, forecast, prediction
v批准ratify, endorse, sanction, confirm, admit, validate
n叛徒renegade, traitor, betrayer, defector, apostate, turncoat
n叛變revolt, uprising, rebellion, muting, revolution
adj不足的scanty, scant, meager, inadequate
n光澤sheen, light, gleam, luster, shine
adj唯一的 單獨的sole, single, exclusive, individual
n底部sole, bottom
adj不新鮮的 陳腐的stale, musty, spoiled, flat, trite, hackneyed, vapid
adj高貴的 卓越的sublime, noble, majestic, excellent, magnificent, lofty, heavenly
n維持sustenance, subsistence, maintenance
n食物sustenance, edibles, food
v嘲弄tease, taunt, mock, banter, chaff
adj暴躁的touchy, irritable, bed-tempered
adj未馴服的undomesticated, wild, feral, untamed
n車輛vehicle, transportation, automobile, car
n傳達媒介vehicle, a means of conveying
v編織weave, interlace, interlock
v編造weave, compose, make up
adj深奧的 難懂的abstruse, incomprehensible, profound, recondite, enigmatic, obscure
v暴露於空氣中aerate, air out
adj親切的 和藹的amiable, agreeable, good-natured, kind-hearted, affable
n陳列array, display, order, arrangement
n裝扮array, garb, attire, dress
adj真正的authentic, real, genuine, actual, factual, veritable
n橫梁beam, girder, joist, support
n光線beam, gleam, radiation, ray, glow
adj易碎的brittle, breakable, fragile, frangible
v結合cement, join, unite, adhere, stick, glue
n水泥 接合劑cement, glue, adhesive, paste
v殖民colonize, settle, populate, found
v譴責condemn, blame, denounce, censure
v改變convert, change, alter, make over
v腐爛 分解decompose, decay, rot, dissolve, disintegrate, corrupt
v妨礙 阻止deter, restrain, hinder, discourage
v輕視 毀謗disparage, degrade, depreciate, belittle, speak evil of
n菁英分子 名流elite, cream, nobility
adj最優秀的elite, selected, best, exclusive, first-class
v需要entail, require, necessitate, involve, call for, demand
n進展 進化 evolution, development, growth, progress, maturation
v繫緊fasten, bind, tie, attach
v預測foretell, predict, forecast, foresee, foreshadow, portend
adj真正的genuine, real, authentic, actual
n危險hazard, danger, risk, peril
adj免疫的immune, free, exempt, unaffected
adj不可或缺的indispensable, necessary, essential, requisite, needed, vital
adj完整的intact, whole, unscathed
v綁架kidnap, carry off, abduct, capture
adj傳說的legendary, fictitious, mythical, fabled
adj著名的legendary, celebrated, renowned, famous
n演習 maneuver, deployment, movement, operation
n策略maneuver, tactic, scheme, strategy
adj微小的minute, minuscule, tiny
adj神話的 mythical, fabulous, mythological
adj虛構的mythical, imaginary, made-up, fabricated
adj名義上的nominal, formal, ostensible, titular
adj些許的nominal, small, minimal
v妨礙obstruct, hinder, impede, retard, hamper, block
adj過時的outmoded, obsolete, old-fashioned, out of date, behind the times
n分子 微粒particle, atom, mite, molecule, speck, bit
v精讀peruse, read, study
v描述 飾演portray, describe, depict, sketch, represent, delineate
adj禁止的 嚇阻的prohibitive, forbidding, proscriptive, restrictive, suppressive
v消除 破壞raze, demolish, level, tear down
v革新renovate, renew, recreate, reform, restore
n節奏rhythm, beat, tempo, cadence
adv幾乎不 僅僅scarcely, hardly, barely
adj完全的sheer, utter, absolute, entire
adj嚴肅的 莊嚴的solemn, grave, serious
v潛近stalk, creep, shadow, tail
n莖stalk, stock, axis, stem
adj海底的submarine, undersea, underwater
n潛水艇submarine, underwater craft
n沼澤swamp, bog, marsh, mire
v淹沒 壓制swamp, flood, overwhelm, drench, submerge
adj乏味的tedious, wearisome, dull, boring
adj溫馴的tractable, docile, obedient, tame
adv不平均地unevenly, roughly, unfairly, unequally, disparately
n靜脈vein, blood, vessel, steam, current
n性情 氣質vein, temper, mood, character
v結婚wed, marry, espouse
v結合wed, join, unite, ally, combine
adj豐富的 充裕的abundant, ample, sufficient, copious, profuse, prolific
adj和藹的 客氣的affable, amiable, approachable, friendly, genial, cordial
adj充足的ample, abundant, sufficient, plentiful, expansive, spacious
adj傲慢的arrogant, surly, haughty, presumptuous, overbearing, proud, pompous
v授權authorize, empower, accredit, approve, entitle, give, authority
v注視behold, look at, watch, observe
v提出broach, bring up, mention, propose
v責難censure, blame, chide, condemn, criticize, reproach
adj滑稽的comic, funny, laughable, farcical
v屈尊condescend, patronize, deign, demean oneself, submit
v傳達 輸送convey, communicate, transport, reveal, forward
v命令decree, command, prescribe, ordain
n不一致 懸殊disparity, discrepancy, gap, inequality, inequity, divergence
adj每日的diurnal, daily
adj昏昏欲睡的drowsy, sleepy, half-asleep, lethargic, sluggish
adj雄辯的 生動的eloquent, articulate, persuasive, silver-tongued, forceful, well-expressed
v引誘entice, lure, tempt, attract
v加劇 激怒exacerbate, aggravate, intensify, sharpen, embitter
adj苛求的fastidious, hard to please, picky, fussy, meticulous
v鑄造forge, create, hammer out
v仿冒forge, counterfeit, fake, feign
v發芽germinate, sprout, burgeon, bud, grow, vegetate
n幻覺hallucination, fantasy, illusion, aberration, delusion, apparition
v刺穿impale, transfix, pierce, stab
adj不容爭辯的indisputable, unquestionable, undeniable, obvious, evident, unmistakable
adj摸不著的 無形的intangible, impalpable, imperceptible, immaterial, abstract
n立法legislation, lawmaking, codification
n法律legislation, act, bill, regulation
n顯示 證明manifestation, demonstration, instance, display, indication, revelation
n守財奴miser, niggard, skinflint
n鄉愁 懷舊之情nostalgia, homesickness, regretfulness, reminiscence, longing
adj莽撞的 冒失的obtrusive, impertinent, interfering, forward, intrusive, pushy
n暴行outrage, offense, violence, affront
v激怒outrage, anger, infuriate, madden
n細片patch, small, piece, shred, scrap
v修補patch, mend, fix, reinforce
adj倔強的 固執的perverse, contrary, stubborn, self-willed, ungovernable, wayward
adj死後的posthumous, happening after death, postmortem
v繁殖proliferate, breed, multiply, increase, expand, escalate
adj謹慎的prudent, discreet, wary, careful
v斷然拒絕rebuff, refuse, reject, turn down
adj有名的renowned, famous, eminent, celebrated, notable, well-known
v嘲笑ridicule, mock, sneer at, scoff at, deride, make fun of
v驅散scatter, disperse, disband, dissipate
v散播scatter, spread, sprinkle, strew
v轉變shift, very, change, veer, switch
adj緩和的soothing, comforting, calming, relieving, palliative
n體力stamina, energy, vitality, vigor, endurance, strength
v浸入水中 淹沒submerge, sink, immerse, swamp, dip
v影響sway, influence, control, direct
n沉悶tedium, boredom, dullness
adj寧靜的tranquil, serene, peaceful, quiet, placid, unperturbed
adj無法滿足的unquenchable, insatiable, limitless, unsatisfied
n速度velocity, speed, celerity
v擠 塞wedge, cram, stuff, squeeze, jam, thrust
v濫用abuse, misuse, misapply, mishandle
v虐待abuse, mistreat, maltreat
v使有密切關連affiliate, associate, combine, connect, syndicate, merge
n類似analogy, parallel, correspondence, similarity, comparison
n文章 物品article, essay, story, report
adj自治的article, item, object, thing
v喊叫bellow, shout, yell, roar, bawl, scream
n小冊子brochure, pamphlet, booklet, leaflet, hand-out
n混亂chaos, complete, disorder, confusion, turmoil, uproar, disorganization
adj指揮的 commanding, controlling, decisive, dominant
adj威嚴的commanding, forceful, authoritative
v寬恕condone, forgive, excuse, pardon, wink at, overlook, let pass
adj歡宴的 歡樂的convivial, festive, jovial, gay, sociable, genial, companionable
v推論deduce, infer, conclude, derive
v厭惡detest, hate, abhor, despise
v驅散disperse, scatter, spread, distribute, diffuse, disseminate
adj雙重的dual, duplex, twofold, double, binary, duplicate
v闡明elucidate, explain, clarify, illuminate, illustrate, interpret
adv完全地entirely, solely, completely, totally, wholly, all
adj正確的exact, accurate, correct, precise
n嚴厲的exact, strict, unequivocal
n疲乏fatigue, tiredness, weariness, exhaustion
n功績 壯舉feat, accomplishment, achievement, exploit
adj惡劣的 公然的flagrant, notorious, awful, dreadful, arrant, heinous
n居住地ghetto, segregated
n進展headway, progress, advance, improvement, furtherance
adj公正的impartial, unbiased, fair, unprejudiced, candid
v整合integrate, fuse, synthesize, blend, assimilate, merge
adj寬容的lenient, mild, tolerant, indulgent
v操縱manipulate, operate, handle, manage, control, conduct
n不幸之事mishap, mischance, misfortune
prep雖然notwithstanding, nevertheless, although, however, yet, despite
adj神秘的occult, mystic, supernatural
n郊區outskirts, suburbs, envious, surroundings
n小徑pathway, lane, route, way, course
v請求petition, request, appeal, beg
n請求petition, plea, request
n姿勢posture, bearing, pose, stance
n狀態 情勢posture, circumstance, condition, state
v延長prolong, extend, make longer, protract, lengthen
v修剪prune, cut, shear, trim
n容器receptacle, receiver, container, holder, repository
n重覆repetition, repeating, reiteration, recurrence, reappearance
n裂痕rift, crack, cleft, fissure, split
n氣味 香味scent, fragrance, aroma, odor
n痕跡 線索scent, spoor, track, trail
adj精明的shrewd, clever, keen, astute
adj世故的sophisticated, seasoned, worldly
n複雜的sophisticated, complex, complicated, delicate
n主要產物staple, major, commodity, mainstay, necessity, essential
adj主要的staple, main, primary
v屈服submit, surrender, yield, succumb
v提出submit, propose, state, turn in
v轉向swerve, deviate, turn, aside, veer
v充滿 富於teem, swarm, abound
v處理transact, conduct, manage, carry on, execute
v解開unravel, unwind, disentangle, undo
v闡釋 解決unravel, explain, interpret
n尊敬veneration, esteem, respect, admiration, awe, adoration
v增大wax, grow, increase, rise, mount, become, larger
v同意accede, agree, assent, consent, acquiesce, comply
adj豐富的 富裕的affluent, abundant, rich, plentiful, opulent, wealthy
n無政府狀態 混亂anarchy, chaos, disorder, misrule, lawlessness, confusion
adj人造的artificial, unnatural, man-made, false, affected, counterfeit, fake
adj可獲得的available, accessible, handy, ready, obtainable
n恩人 慈善家benefactor, helper, patron, philanthropist, altruist, contributor
adj魯莽的 唐突的brusque, abrupt, gruff
v龜裂chap, crack, roughen, slit open
v紀念 慶祝commemorate, memorialize, celebrate, solemnize, honor
v商議 confer, consult, discuss, deliberate
v授予confer, bestow, grant, award
v協調 使對等coordinate, harmonize, equalize, accord, conform, adapt
v延期 服從defer, delay, postpone, put off
adj有害的defer, comply, yield, abide by
adj用完即丟的detrimental, harmful, injurious, deleterious, hurtful, prejudicial
adj可任意處置的disposable, throwaway, nonreturnable
adj可疑的 懷疑的disposable, available, free for use
v逃避elude, escape, evade, avoid, dodge, shun
n實體 存在entity, thing, being, existence
n誇張exaggeration, overstatement, magnification, hyperbole, puffery, inflation
adj可行的feasible, practicable, possible, achievable, attainable, probable
n堡壘fort, fortress, stronghold
adj adv謹慎地gingerly, carefully, prudently, cautiously, warily, alertly
n注意heed, attention, notice, regard
adj無情感的impassive, emotionless, apathetic, insensible, insensitive
v說服 誘使induce, incite, persuade, urge, encourage, effect, cause
adj激烈的intense, extreme, violent, sharp, keen, acute, excessive
adj致命的lethal, fatal, deadly
v模仿 嘲弄mock, ridicule, mimic, jeer
v養育nourish, nurture, foster, support, feed
v佔據occupy, hold, invade, take
adj坦白的outspoken, frank, candid, unreserved, blunt, bluff
n贊助者 顧客patron, benefactor, supporter, backer, customer, client
adj生氣的 難取悅的petulant, fretful, irritable, peevish, irascible, peppery
adj有力的potent, powerful, strong, mighty
adj卓越的prominent, eminent, outstanding, notable, distinguished, conspicuous
v鑽孔 刺傷puncture, prick, pierce, make a hole in, penetrate, nick
adj彼此的 互相的reciprocal, mutual, correlative, alternative, interchangeable, complementary
v譴責reproach, censure, reprove, scold, chide, rebuke, blame
adj嚴格的rigid, strict, stern, austere
adj僵硬的rigid, stiff, inflexible
n時間表 計畫表schedule, timetable, agenda, catalogue, list, plan
v退縮shrink, contract, flinch, recoil, shrivel, dwindle
adj催眠的 令人想睡的soporific, hypnotic, sedative, dull, lethargic, torpid, wearisome
v使驚嚇startle, frighten, shock, astound
adj次要的 附屬的subordinate, inferior, junior, lower, secondary
adj快速的swift, quick, rapid, fleet
n性情 氣質temperament, disposition, temper, nature, inclination, tendency
adj短暫的transient, temporary, ephemeral, momentary, short, brief, fleeting
adj無情的 堅決的unrelenting, hard, stern, merciless, rigorous, severe
n怨恨 毒液venom, poison, spite, virulence, rancor, bitterness
n福利welfare, well-being, happiness, profit, benefit, prosperity
v加速hasten, expedite, speed up, quicken, precipitate
n議程agenda, program, schedule, timetable, list, calendar
n痛苦anguish, pain, suffering, torment, torture, agony
v確定ascertain, discover, find out, determine, make certain, identify
n有價值之物 有用之物asset, advantage, aid, resource, benefit, boon
adj貪心的avaricious, greedy, covetous, rapacious, avid, acquisitive
adj仁慈的benevolent, kindly, benign, generous, well-meaning, amiable
v扣住buckle, clasp, fasten
v彎曲buckle, curve, bend, twist
n特徵 特色characteristic, quality, trait, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, distinguish feature
v開始commence, begin, initiate, originate
v沒收 充公confiscate, seize, commandeer, expropriate, take, dispossess
adj豐富的 大量的copious, abundant, plentiful
v使偏斜 使偏離deflect, deviate, divert, swerve, turn aside, avert, swing
v脫離deviate, stray, diverge, swerve, divert, separate, divagate
n氣質 性情disposition, character, temperament, temper
n配置disposition, arrangement, distribution
n解放emancipation, release, liberation, setting free, enfranchisement, manumission
adj短暫的ephemeral, short-lived, temporal, momentary, transient, fleeting
v提高exalt, elevate, lift up, raise
adj虛弱的feeble, weak, infirm, invalid
v加強fortify, encourage, reassure, strengthen, reinforce
n強光glare, blaze, strong, light, very harsh light
v瞪視glare, gaze, stare
adv從此以後henceforth, from now on, from this time on, hence, henceforward
adj無瑕疵的 無過失的impeccable, flawless, stainless, refined, perfect
adj笨拙的 無能的inept, awkward, clumsy, incompetent
adj不適當的inept, improper, unfit
v干擾interfere, intervene, meddle, interpose, disrupt, conflict
adj昏睡的lethargic, drowsy, languid, sluggish, listless, sleepy
n乞丐mendicant, beggar, pauper
v修正 減緩modify, change, alter, lessen
n初學者 新手novice, beginner, apprentice
adj視覺的optical, visual, ocular
adv過度地overly, too, excessively, overmuch, exceedingly, immoderately, unduly
adj未決定的 審理中的pending, undecided, unresolved
n藥pharmaceutical, drug, medicine, physic, elixir, prescription
n子孫 後代posterity, offspring, progenies, descendants, future generations
n惡作劇prank, joke, trick, frolic, jest
adj即時的 立刻的prompt, quick, rapid, punctual, on time
v激勵 促使prompt, motivate
n朗誦 recital, retelling, narration
n獨奏會recital, concert, musicale
v複製 reproduce, duplicate, copy
v繁殖reproduce, proliferate, breed
n嚴厲rigor, harshness, austerity
n範圍scope, range, field, sphere, extent, compass
n灌木shrub, scrub, bush, hedge
n種類sort, class, kind, variety
v分類sort, classify, arrange, assort
adj莊嚴的stately, majestic, grand, imposing, magnificent, lordly
adj其後的subsequent, following, succeeding, ensuing, latter, later
v象徵symbolize, represent, indicate, signify, typify, mean, betoken, imply
adj溫和的temperate, mild, pleasant
adj節制的temperate, restrained, moderate
adj透明的transparent, sheer, clear, diaphanous, see-through
adj難獲支持的 站不住腳的untenable, indefensible, insupportable, inconsistent, illogical
n裁決verdict, decision, judgment, finding, decree, opinion
n腮鬚whiskers, beard, mustache, sideburns, goatee
adj可接近的 可得到的accessible, approachable, available, reachable, obtainable, at hand
v加重 惡化aggravate, increase, intensify
v激怒aggravate, annoy, irritate
v使無效 取消annul, invalidate, abolish, cancel, rescind, abrogate
n外觀 aspect, look, appearance, countenance
n觀點 方面aspect, respect, facet, point of view
v報仇avenge, revenge, retaliate, take vengeance, requite, get even with
adj親切的benign, amiable, complaint, gracious
adj大型的 龐大的bulky, enormous, vast
adj貞節的chaste, virtuous, pure, undefiled
adj相稱的 適當的commensurate, proportional, equivalent, appropriate, suitable, adequate
n衝突 爭鬥conflict, discord, struggle, battle, combat, clash, collision
adj真誠的cordial, sincere, ardent, genial
v詐取 欺騙defraud, cheat, swindle, bamboozle, trick, beguile, delude
n清潔劑 detergent, cleaner
adj清潔的detergent, cleaning, detersive
v吞食 狼吞虎嚥的devour, gorge, gulp
v忽視disregard, ignore, neglect, overlook, slight, omit, pass over
v上船/飛機embark, board ship, take ship, put on board, go aboard
adj傳染的 蔓延的epidemic, prevalent, pandemic, rampant
n流行病epidemic, outbreak, plague
v激怒exasperate, annoy, enrage, irritate, anger, infuriate, inflame
v假裝feign, simulate, pretend, counterfeit
v建立found, establish, set up, constitute
adj能言善道的glib, loquacious, eloquent, fluent
n傳令者 通報者herald, bearer of tidings, crier, messenger
n障礙impediment, barrier, block, difficulty, encumbrance, hindrance
adj無法避免的inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable, determined, certain
adj內部interior, inside
n責任liability, responsibility, duty
v整頓marshal, align, arrange, deploy, dispose, order, organize
v調整modulate, adjust, modify, adapt, regulate, reconcile
adj有害的 有毒的noxious, injurious, harmful, poisonous, pernicious, unhealthy
n子孫offspring, descendants, posterity, progenies, heirs, successors
n疏忽oversight, inattention, omission, negligence, disregard, carelessness
n山頂peak, mountaintop, hilltop, summit, pinnacle, apex, crest
n階段phase, condition, level, step, stage, state
adj不確定的 危險的precarious, uncertain, doubtful, hazardous, dangerous, insecure
v發佈promulgate, publish, proclaim
v淨化purify, clarify, cleanse, refine
adj魯莽的reckless, careless, rash, heedless, foolhardy
v請求request, ask for, beseech, call for demand, entreat, solicit
v撕裂rip, tear, split, rend, slit
v燒焦 使乾枯scorch, char, singe, brown
v發抖shudder, quiver, tremble, shake, quake, vibrate, shiver
adj隔音的soundproof, impermeable to noise
adj靜態的static, still, inert, inactive, fixed, motionless, stationary
v平靜 subside, abate, quiet, down, diminish
v下沉 退落subside, sink, go down
n對稱symmetry, correspondence, proportion, evenness
n節奏tempo, rhythm, pace, speed
n辛勞travail, labor, task, struggle, pains
v證實verify, confirm, attest, authenticate, prove, substantiate
n, adj方言的vernacular, tongue, dialect, argot, slang
adj有益健康的wholesome, healthful, salutary, beneficial, nourishing, salubrious
adj侵略的aggressive, hostile, belligerent
adj積極的aggressive, ambitious, energetic, competitive
adj匿名的anonymous, unnamed, unsigned, nameless, incognito, pseudonymous
n渴望 報負aspiration, desire
adj反對的 不情願的averse, opposed, loath, reluctant, unwilling, antipathetic
adj喧鬧的boisterous, noisy, clamorous, disorderly, unruly
n喋喋不休的人chatterbox, talkative person
n任務commission, duty, mission
v遵守conform, comply, follow, obey, yield, adapt
adj肥胖的corpulent, plump, chubby
v達到高潮 最後成為culminate, climax, conclude, end up
adj靈巧的deft, skillful, nimble, proficient
adj邪惡的 殘酷的diabolic, evil, devilish, fiendish, demonic, wicked
v使分裂 使中斷disrupt, upset, disorganize, disturb, break up, interrupt
adj啞然失聲的dumbfounded, speechless, stunned, thunderstruck, startled, staggered
v裝飾embellish, ornament, embroider, adorn
n典型epitome, archetype, model
v超過exceed, transcend, surpass, excel
adj殘忍的ferocious, cruel, brutal, savage, mean, rapacious
n家禽fowl, bird
adj陰暗的gloomy, dim, dark
adj沮喪的gloomy, depressed, cheerless, sullen, moody
v稱讚 歡呼hail, praise, acclaim
n遺傳heredity, congenital traits, genetics, inheritance
adj逼進的impending, approaching, coming, hovering, imminent, nearing
adj絕無錯誤的infallible, unerring, unimpeachable, foolproof, irreproachable, perfect
adj間歇的intermittent, fitful, off-and-on, recurrent, periodic, alternate
v威脅intimidate, frighten, dishearten, terrify, browbeat
n蓋子lid, cover, top, cap
adj軍事的 好戰的martial, military, soldierly, warlike, belligerent, combative
adj潮濕的moist, damp, humid, dank, wet
adj不吉利的ominous, unfavorable, baleful, unpromising, threatening
n誇大overstatement, exaggeration, magnification, overclaiming, overdoing
adj奇特的peculiar, strange, odd, queer, eccentric, idiosyncratic
adj異常的phenomenal, precaution, prevention
n預防precaution, prevention
adj傾向於 易於prone, inclined, disposed
adj奇特的quaint, curious, fanciful, charming
adj古色古香的quaint, gothic, artful, antique
n隱士recluse, hermit, eremite
n政權regime, government, rule
adj農村的 質樸的rustic, rural, homespun
n災害 天譴scourge, affliction, plague
adv斜向一邊地sideways, sideward, obliquely, laterally, edgeways
adj至高無上的sovereign, supreme
v認出 看見spot, see, recognize, discern
adj靜止的stationary, immobile, static
adj輔助的subsidiary, supplementary
n討論會symposium, panel, colloquium
v橫貫 橫越traverse, cross, pass, through, pass over, go over, go across
v解開unwind, disentangle, unravel, untwine, untwist, uncoil
adj多才多藝的versatile, variable, resourceful, multifaceted, many-sided, all-round
v擺動wiggle, shake, wriggle, wag, squirm
n適應 調整accommodation, adaptation, compliance, conformity
n住宿accommodation, board, lodging
n敏捷agility, liveliness, briskness, mobility
v賦予生命 使有活力animate, liven, inspire
v攻擊assail, attack, assault
v防止avert, avoid, preclude, fend off
v轉移avert, turn aside, turn away
v遺留bequeath, hand down, leave, pass on
n束bunch, bundle, bouquet, clump
n群集bunch, crowd, group
n商品 物品commodity, good, merchandise
v使驚訝confound, amaze, astonish, startle, astound, surprise, puzzle
v腐蝕 損害corrode, eat away, erode, corrupt, rust, impair, deteriorate
v抑制 控制curb, control, check, restrain
v藐視 違抗defy, confront, despise, disregard
adj透明的diaphanous, transparent, sheer, limpid, see-through
v解剖dissect, anatomize, cut apart, lay open
v分析dissect, investigate, scrutinize
adj複製的 相同的duplicate, identical, copied, double, corresponding, twofold
n肖像effigy, dummy, icon, caricature
n標誌 徽章emblem, sign, symbol, hallmark
n時代epoch, period, era, age, time
adj肥沃的 多產的fertile, rich, productive, fruitful, prolific, yielding
v, n破裂fracture, break, crack, rupture
adj明亮的glowing, beaming, luminous
adj讚揚的glowing, complimentary, laudatory
adj不合法的illegitimate, illegal
adj必要的imperative, necessary, required
v干涉 介入intervene, involve, mediate
adj疲倦的 無力的limp, tired, exhausted, worn out
v跛行limp, hobble, halt
n奇蹟marvel, wonder, miracle, prodigy
adj融化的molten, melted, fused, liquefied
adj全能的omnipotent, almighty, all-powerful, supreme, puissant
adj明顯的overt, apparent, obvious, manifest
n底座 基礎pedestal, support, foundation, base, stand, foot
adj慈善的 博愛的philanthropic, humanitarian, charitable, benevolent, altruistic
adj肉食的 掠奪的predatory, predacious, ravaging, voracious, plundering, pillaging
v支撐prop, support, uphold, brace
n筆名pseudonym, pen name
v回報reciprocate, repay, return, requite, retaliate
v認為reckon, think, suppose, consider
v廢止rescind, revoke, repeal, recall, annual, abrogate
n儀式ritual, rite, ceremony, service
v摩擦 n抓癢 scratch, scrape, rub
n時間 span, duration, period
v越過span, cross, extend across, range over
n身高stature, size, height
adj地下的subterranean, underground
v幫助succor, aid, help, assist
n徵兆symptom, sign, indication
adj緊抓的 堅持的tenacious, clinging, firm, inflexible, persevering, resolute
n滑稽的模仿 曲解travesty, mockery, ridiculous, distortion, parody, burlesque
adv無心地 不知不覺地unwittingly, unintentionally, unknowingly, accidentally
n詩 韻文verse, poetry, rhyme
adj狡猾的wily, cunning, sly, crafty, shrewd
n共犯accomplice, accessory, confederate, abettor, assistant, helper
v激動 擾亂agitate, upset, stir, excite, provoke, disturb
adj敵對的antagonistic, hostile, opposed, contentious, averse, at, odds
v分析assay, analyze, assess, evaluate, inspect, appraise
n飛行員aviator, pilot, airman, flier
v剝奪 喪失bereave, deprive, rob, strip, dispossess, divest
v磨亮 擦亮burnish, brighten, buff, shine, smooth, furbish
n廚師chef, cook
adj自治的 共有的communal, collective, communicate, general, public, shared
v面對confront, face, encounter, cope with
v表達couch, express, phrase, utter, frame, set forth
n床 睡椅couch, bed, cot, pallet
n貨幣currency, money, bills, coins
v使乾燥 脫水dehydrate, dry, dehumidify, desiccate, drain
n羞怯diffidence, timidity, bashfulness, shyness, meekness
v傳播 宣傳disseminate, broadcast, propagate, spread, circulate
n持續 期間duration, term, period, continuance, persistence
v具體化embody, substantiate, incorporate, express
n方程式 相等equation, balance, parallel, equivalence, equality
n選錄excerpt, selection, extract, quote, citation, passage
adj熱烈的fervent, zealous, enthusiastic, impassioned, ardent, fervid
adj易碎的fragile, breakable, brittle, frail, delicate, flimsy
n峽谷gorge, canyon, ravine
v吞食gorge, devour, surfeit
n全盛時期heyday, golden age, prime, zenith
adj高傲的imperious, haughty, arrogant, oppressive, arbitrary
v就職inaugurate, install, induct
v傳染的infectious, contagious, catching, spreading, transmittable
n能力 教養literacy, ability, cultivation, education, knowledge
n泥水匠mason, bricklayer
v監視monitor, watch, oversee, supervise
adj無所不在的omnipresent, all-present, ubiquitous
v追上overtake, run over, reach, catch up with
n語言學philology, linguistics
n斷崖precipice, cliff, bluff, crag
n困境predicament, dilemma, quandary, plight
v繁殖propagate, breed, multiply, raise
v傳播propagate, disseminate, spread
v再發生recur, repeat, occur, again
v救援rescue, save, help
n對手rival, competitor, challenger, antagonist, foe, opponent
v擦洗scrub, scour, wash, cleanse
adj同時的simultaneous, concurrent, at the same time
adj稀疏的 稀少的sparse, scanty, scarce, few and far between
adj忠實的staunch, firm, loyal, faithful, steadfast
adj精巧的 淡的subtle, delicate, dainty, elusive, refined
adj人造的synthetic, artificial, man-made, unnatural
n主旨tenor, gist, significance, meaning, import
adj危險的treacherous, dangerous, perilous
adj不忠的treacherous, traitorous, unfaithful, unreliable
adj混亂的 狂暴的turbulent, agitated, riotous, violent, tumultuous
adj不習慣的 不尋常的unwonted, not used, unaccustomed, unusual
v辯護vindicate, justify, defend, assert, acquit, excuse
v畏縮wince, shrink back, recoil, draw back, flinch
n增大accretion, increase, augmentation, enlargement, extension
adj農業的agrarian, agricultural, arable, rural, rustic
v提前 先於antedate, precede, predate, antecede
v斷言 堅持assert, affirm, declare, claim, allege, avow
adj熱望的 貪婪的avid, desirous, ardent, zealous, eager, keen
v懇求beseech, implore, entreat, plead, solicit, beg
n洞穴burrow, hole, tunnel
n欺騙 詭計chicanery, deception, trickery, fraud, subterfuge
adj簡潔的 compact, concise, brief, terse
v壓緊compact, cram, condense, pack, squeeze
adj意氣相投的congenial, compatible, kindred, agreeable, pleasing, harmonious
n報導範圍coverage, reportage, reporting, description, broadcasting
n宵禁curfew, deadline, restriction
v削減curtail, reduce, diminish, decrease
n神deity, god, divine, being
adj荒廢的 破舊的dilapidated, run-down, decaying, ruined, ramshackle, tumble-down
v不同意dissent, disagree, disapprove, object
n住處dwelling, residence, abode, habitation, lodging, domicile
v擁抱embrace, hug, clasp, cuddle
v包含embrace, cover, include, comprise
n公正 公平equity, fairness, impartiality, justice, justness, equitableness
adj過度的excessive, immoderate, extreme, inordinate, exorbitant
n不和feud, hostility, enmity, rancor
adj芳香的fragrant, aromatic, sweet-smelling, ambrosial, perfumed, odorous, balmy
adj優雅的genteel, elegant, courteous, urbane
v冬眠hibernate, lie dormant
adj不滲透的impermeable, hermetic, impassable, impenetrable, impervious
adj劣質的inferior, minor, imperfect
adj不聽話的 難駕馭的intractable, unmanageable, uncontrollable, headstrong, unyielding
adj不願意的loath, averse, reluctant
adj專橫的masterful, authoritative
adj紀念碑的monumental, serving as a monument
adj龐大monumental, huge
adj不朽的monumental, significant, outstanding
adj過時的obsolete, outdated, outmoded
adj繁重的onerous, burdensome, heavy, toilsome, cumbersome, oppressive
v擊潰 壓倒overwhelm, conquer, defeat, overpower, overcome, beat
v偷看peek, peep. Glance, look
v推進propel, push, thrust, impel
v相似resemble, look like, parallel
v漫步roam, wander, range, ramble
n惡棍 流氓ruffian, villain, rascal, scoundrel, robber, miscreant
adj謹慎的 scrupulous, cautious, careful
adj正直的scrupulous, upright, moral
v啜飲sip, drink, imbibe, taste
v產生 產卵spawn, generate, give birth to
adj堅定的steadfast, firm, resolute, steady, faithful, determined
v顛覆 破壞subvert, overthrow, overturn
n摘要synopsis, summary, digest
n緊張tension, strain, pressure
adj尖刻的trenchant, incisive, caustic, sharp, acerbic, biting
n混亂turmoil, disruption, tumult, disturbance, turbulence, commotion
n動亂upheaval, cataclysm, disorder, disturbance, turmoil, revolution
n暈眩vertigo, dizziness, light-headedness
adj渴望的wistful, wishful, desirous, yearning, longing, craving
v積聚accumulate, gather, amass, heap, pile, muster
n疾病ailment, disease, malady, illness, complaint, sickness
n聖歌 讚美詩anthem, song, hymn, chorale, psalm, canticle
adj勤勉的assiduous, industrious, diligent, laborious, persevering, persistent
v保證avouch, avow, affirm, depose
v給予bestow, confer, present, donate, bequeath
v迂迴 迴避bypass, avoid, circumvent, detour, pass around, skirt
n雜務chore, task, job, assignment
adj相似的 comparable, similar, akin
adj可比較的comparable, equivalent, as good as, equal
adj天生的congenital, innate, inherent, inborn, inbred
adj舒適的cozy, comfortable, snug, homey
n代表delegate, deputy, representative, agent, envoy
v委派做代表delegate, depute, designate
v膨脹dilate, widen, expand, swell, distend, inflate
v溶解dissolve, melt, liquefy, thaw, flux, fuse
v捐贈donate, contribute, bestow, give, grant, gift
v減少dwindle, decrease, diminish, lessen, fade, wane
n胚胎embryo, fetus, egg, germ, bud
adj相等的 相當的equivalent, equal, tantamount, identical, same, interchangeable
n費用 開支expenditure, expense, cost, payment, outlay
n慘敗fiasco, failure, defeat, miscarriage
adj徒然的 無益的futile, abortive, in vain, unsuccessful, unprofitable
adj顆粒的granular, grainy, gritty sandy, granulated
n要點 最精采的部分highlight, best part, climax, focus, peak
v強調highlight, underline, stress
adj不能滲透的impervious, impenetrable, impassable
adj無動於衷的impervious, unmoved, unaffected, impassible
v滲透infiltrate, permeate, pervade, penetrate, spread to
adj複雜的intricate, complicated, complex, elaborate, sophisticated, knotty
n大廳lobby, entrance hall, foyer
n遊說團lobby, pressure group, advocates, bloc
n格言maxim, adage, motto, proverb, dictum, gnome, aphorism
n士氣morale, spirit, confident state of mind, nerve, faith
n開始onset, initiation, beginning, outset
adj過度疲勞的 過度興奮的overwrought, overexcited, agitated, uncontrolled, wrought up, overworked
adj無與倫比的peerless, unique, unequaled, matchless, unbeatable, unrivated
n支柱pillar, pilaster, post, column, pedestal
n先驅precursor, forerunner, predecessor, harbinger, pioneer, originator
n傾向 習性propensity, tendency, inclination, leaning, bent, disposition
n重覆redundancy, repetition, tautology
n過多redundancy, superabundance, superfluity
n收入revenue, income, interest, rewards, gain
adj強壯的robust, husky, muscular, athletic, hardy
v細察 scrutinize, examine, scan, inspect, investigate, probe
adj彎曲的 蜿蜒的sinuous, winding
n居留 寄居sojourn, stay, stopover, visit, rest
v窒息stifle, choke, smother, suffocate, strangle
adj簡明的 簡潔的succinct, concise, terse, laconic, pithy, brief
v綜合synthesize, combine, amalgamate, construct, blend
adj試驗的tentative, experimental, trial
n群眾throng, crowd, mob, mass
n教導tutelage, teaching, instruction
v維持uphold, maintain, sustain
v贊成 鼓勵uphold, approve, encourage
n遺跡vestige, trace, relic, remains, scrap
v吠叫yelp, cry, yammer, yap
n正確性accuracy, authenticity, correctness, exactness, precision
adj微開的ajar, slightly open, agape, gaping, unclosed
v期待anticipate, expect, foresee, look forward to, hope for, await
v緩和assuage, ease, alleviate, allay, relieve, lessen, lighten
adj笨拙的awkward, clumsy, unskillful, inept, all thumbs, inexpert
n飲料beverage, drink, draught, liquor, liquid
adj慢性的 長期的chronic, long-lasting, persistent, continuing, prolonged
adj和諧的 相容的compatible, congenial, harmonious, agreeable, consonant, accordant
n聚集物 凝塊conglomeration, assortment, accumulation, composite, mass, combination
adj狡猾的crafty, tricky, sly, guileful, wily
adj彎曲的crooked, bent, curved, hooked
adj不誠實的 行為不正的crooked, deceitful, dishonest, crafty
adj有害的deleterious, harmful, baneful, dangerous, detrimental, baleful
v扭曲 變形distort, deform, misshape
v曲解 誤傳distort, misrepresent, falsify
adj睡眠狀態的dormant, hibernating, inactive, inert, latent, slumbering
n地牢dungeon, prison, jail, cell
adj有活力的 活動的dynamic, energetic, vital, vigorous, driving, powerful
v出現 脫穎而出emerge, come into prominence, appear, arise, come forth, spring up
adj模稜兩可的 不確定的equivocal, ambiguous, vague, obscure, doubtful, ambivalent
adj唯一的exclusive, sole, only, unique
adj高級的exclusive, classy, aristocratic
adj虛構的 假想的fictitious, imaginary, created, false, feigned
n結構framework, structure, plan
v抓住grasp, grip, clasp, seize
v領會 瞭解grasp, understand, comprehend, perceive
n怨恨grudge, resentment, enmity, aversion
adj歡樂的 有趣的hilarious, amusing, comic, funny, jolly, joyful, mirthful
n推進力 刺激impetus, stimulus, motivation, spur, push, incentive
n陰謀intrigue, plot, scheme, conspiracy
v使感興趣intrigue, fascinate, interest
n直覺insight, instinct
n移動 位移locomotion, movement
adj不足的meager, scanty, deficient, inadequate
adj瘦的meager, skinny, emaciated, bony
n一小口 一點morsel, mouthful, bite, crumb
v緩緩流出ooze, drip, emit, leak, seep, dribble
adj易怒的peevish, irritable, captious, grumpy, touchy, ill-tempered
v明確指出pinpoint, locate, spot, distinguish, get a fix on, define
adj有勢力的predominant, sovereign, ruling
adj主要的predominant, leading, capital, chief
n財產property, assets, possessions
n特性property, quality, trait, characteristic
v精製refine, purify, clarify, cleanse
v使優雅refine, civilize, cultivate, perfect
v抗議remonstrate, object, protest, expostulate, take issue
n悔恨repentance, regret, remorse, penitence, grief, guilt
v居住reside, live, dwell, lodge, inhabit
adv合時宜地seasonably, appropriately, fittingly, suitably
n素描 簡圖sketch, draft, drawing
n樣本specimen, sample, example
v駕駛 引導steer, direct, lead, conduct, pilot
v屈服succumb, yield, give way, submit, give in, surrender
v死succumb, die
adj微溫的tepid, lukewarm, warmish
adj不熱心的tepid, apathetic, unenthusiastic, indifferent
n顫抖 震動tremor, shaking, trembling, quivering, shivering, shudder, vibration
n大亨 商業鉅子tycoon, baron, capitalist, financier, merchant prince, mogul
adj 正直的upright, honest, righteous, virtuous, honorable, conscientious
n容器 船vessel, container, utensil
n船vessel, boat, ship, craft
v保留 抑制withhold, reserve, retain, curb, repress
v使習慣accustom, adapt, habituate, acquaint, familiarize
adj機警的alert, wary, watchful, vigilant
adj冷淡的apathetic, indifferent, impassive, emotionless, cold, unconcerned
v認為assume, think, suppose, believe
v承擔assume, shoulder, take over, accept
v使困惑bewilder, puzzle, confuse, confound, perplex
v混合blend, mix, merge, combine, mingle, compound
adj依年代順序的chronological, consecutive, ordered, sequential, progressive
n聚集 會聚 教友congregation, assembly, flock, multitude, throng, crowd
v填塞cram, stuff, pack, jam
n深紅色crimson, deep red
adj極重要的crucial, momentous, essential, extremely important, vital
adv故意地deliberately, on purpose, knowingly, intentionally, willfully
v稀釋dilute, weaken, make thinner
v分歧diverge, split, separate, branch, divide, fork
v點綴dot, spot, sprinkle, dabble, fleck, stud
n厚顏無恥effrontery, impudence
v發射emit, give off, discharge, eject, cast out, shed, send forth
v執行execute, carry out, enforce, enact
v驅逐expel, exile, dismiss, banish
adj財務的fiscal, financial, monetary
adj瘋狂的mad, frenetic, furious
v使滿足gratify, satisfy, content
adj令人精疲力盡的grueling, fatiguing, exhausting, grinding, strenuous, arduous
v阻礙hinder, impede, retard
n障礙hurdle, hindrance, difficulty
n工具implement, tool, instrument, execute, carry out, enact
adj聰明的ingenious, clever
adj本質的intrinsic, essential, inherent
v投宿lodge, accommodate, put up, stay
n小屋lodge, cabin, cottage, hut, shelter
v蜿蜒meander, wind, snake, stray
v屈辱mortify, humiliate, abash, shame
adj不透明的 灰暗的opaque, obfuscated, dim, dull, lusterless
v穿透penetrate, pierce, perforate, impale, prick, go through, bore, stab
adj平靜的placid, serene, unruffled
adj優越的preeminent, outstanding, superior, matchless, paramount, excellent
n預言prophecy, forecast, prediction
v反駁refute, confute, controvert, disprove
adj剩餘的residual, leaving, remnant, remaining, leftover, extra, surplus
v旋轉rotate, revolve, spin, swivel, turn, go round
v隔離seclude, separate, isolate, keep aloof, keep to oneself
v略讀skim, scan, glance, through
adj虛有其表的specious, deceptive, fallacious, misleading, caustic, sophistic
adj不能生育的 貧瘠的sterile, barren, infertile, arid, unfruitful
adj悶悶不樂的sullen, gloomy, melancholy
v終止terminate, stop, finish, expire
n貢物 表感謝之詞tribute, gift, offering
n仲裁人 裁判umpire, judge, moderator, referee, arbiter, arbitrator
n老手veteran, master, professional, old hand
v使苦惱vex, annoy, agitate, irritate, provoke, afflict
v抵抗withstand, resist, stand up to, combat, confront, face
n獲得acquisition, obtainment, gaining, procurement, achievement, acquirement
adj外國的 不同質的alien, foreign, exotic
n外國人alien, foreigner, stranger, outsider
n選集anthology, collection, analects, digest, compendium
n衣服apparel, clothes, dress, attire, garment, costume
n偏見bias, prejudice, partiality
n錯誤blunder, mistake, error, slip
adj圓胖的chubby, plump, chunky
adj一貫的 一致的consistent, regular, coherent, consonant, agreeing, compatible
v包裝crate, pack, box, encase
n小溪creek, brook, rivulet, small, river
adj未加工的crude, raw, unpolished, rough
adj粗魯的crude, uncouth, brutish
v欺騙delude, deceive, con, take in
adj微暗的 模糊的dim, darkish, hazy
v變化diversify, vary, alter, branch out, transform
v打盹 doze, drowse, snooze, catnap, nap
adj強調的 堅持的emphatic
v根除eradicate, uproot, exterminate, extirpate, demolish, destroy, annihilate
adj模範的exemplary, model, admirable
adj明白的explicit, distinct, definite, precise, specific, unambiguous
n數字figure, digit, number
n身材figure, body, build, physique
n摩擦friction, rubbing, scraping, attrition
n不合friction, animosity, bickering
n嚴肅 嚴重gravity, demureness, solemnity, seriousness
n奸詐 狡猾guile, cunning, deception, tricky
adv到目前為止hitherto, formerly, heretofore, so far, till now, up to now
v催眠hypnotize, mesmerize, put in a trance, put to sleep
adj暗示的implicit, implied, latent, unspoken
adj絕對的implicit, absolute, steadfast
n成分 原料ingredient, component, element, constituent, part
v闖入intrude, interlope, intervene
adj高的lofty, high, tall
adj高尚的lofty, dignified, noble
v深思熟慮meditate, ponder, deliberate, muse, consider, ruminate, cogitate
n主題motif, theme, subject, topic, concept
n最低點nadir, bottom, lowest point, depths
adj沉思的pensive, contemplative, meditative, ruminative, thoughtful, preoccupied
n瘟疫 疾病plague, epidemic, pandemic
v困擾plague, annoy, bother, harass
n初演 首映premiere, debut
adj順利的propitious, fortunate, lucky
adj帝王般的 堂皇的regal, royal, splendid
n酬勞 補償remuneration, award, compensation, pay, earnings, profit
n分泌secretion, releasing of a substance
n獨白soliloquy, monologue
v跳skip, leap, spring, jump, hop
v錯過skip, omit, miss, pass over
adj有斑點的speckled, dotted, freckled, spotted, stippled, mottled
adj嚴厲的stern, severe, strict, austere
adj悶熱的sultry, suffocating, sweltering, muggy, humid
adj簡明的terse, succinct, concise, pithy, brief, laconic
v滴下trickle, dribble, drip, drop, ooze, seep, stream
adj有禮貌的urbane, polite, courteous, suave, mannerly, civil
adj能生存的viable, alive, living
adj可行的viable, practicable, feasible
adj活潑的vivacious, lively, animated, spirited, merry, vital, ebullient
adj枯萎的wizened, withered, shriveled, dried up, gnarled, wrinkled
adj刻薄的 acrid, caustic, sarcastic, acrimonious
adj辛辣的 苦的acrid, pungent, bitter
v疏遠alienate, estrange, separate, turn away, break off, divorce
v吸引 appeal, attract, fascinate
v懇求appeal, implore, plead, request
v使驚駭astound, stun, astonish, shock, amaze, appall
adj兩邊的bilateral, two-sided, symmetrical
adj鈍的blunt, dull, pointless, unsharpened
adj直率的blunt, plain-spoken, frank
v引用cite, quote, extract, allude to, adduce
n補充complement, companion, supplement, counterpart, rounding-off
adj顯著的conspicuous, obvious, remarkable, outstanding, notable, striking
v渴望crave, long for, desire, aspire
n小片crumb, bit, fragment, scrap
n大洪水deluge, flood, inundation
adj小的diminutive, small, little, tiny
v轉角divert, deflect, turn aside
v娛樂divert, entertain, amuse
adv戲劇性地dramatically, theatrically, breathtakingly, excitingly
v賦予權力empower, authorize, entitle, license, sanction, allow
v腐蝕erode, abrade, consume, corrode, eat away, wear away
v免除exempt, except, excuse, free, relieve, spare
n細絲filament, tread, fiber, strand, sting, wire, staple
n邊緣fringe, edge, border, outskirts
v吃草graze, pasture, eat grass
v摩擦graze, scrape, abrade
adj易受騙的gullible, credulous, unsuspecting, easily taken in
v吞食 gulp, swallow, devour
v提升hoist, lift, raise, elevate
n假設hypothesis, premise, presumption, proposition, conjecture, supposition
v懇求implore, beg, beseech, entreat
n居民inhabitant, dweller, resident
v淹水inundate, flood, deluge
v閒蕩loiter, loaf, dawdle, stray, linger, stroll
adj不健康的 病態的morbid, sick, diseased, unsound, ailing
v引起動機motivate, stimulate, induce, actuate, drive, inspire
adj最佳的optimal, optimum, prime, best, choicest, superlative
adj可察覺的perceptible, tangible, discernible, recognizable, detectable
n講台platform, podium, stage, stand
n政綱 platform, party, line, policy
n專心 熱衷 preoccupation, absorption, engrossment, immersion, abstraction
adj枯燥的prosaic, boring, hackneyed, engrossment, immersion, abstraction
n恢復rehabilitation, recovery, restoration, revival, betterment
v決定resolve, decide, determine
v分解resolve, separate, analyze
n例行公事routine, drill, exercise
adj世俗的secular, earthly, profane
v暴漲skyrocket, rise rapidly, increase severely, boost
n球體sphere, orb, globe, ball
adj黏的sticky, adhesive, gluey, gummy, clinging, gooey, tacky
n卓越superiority, predominance, preeminence, supremacy, excellence
adj紡織的textile, textural, woven
v引起trigger, cause, elicit, generate, give rise to, bring about, promote
v催促urge, push, press, instigate
v震動vibrate, tremble, quiver, oscillate, palpitate, pulsate
adj吵鬧的vociferous, noisy, clamorous, shouting, loud, ranting
v動搖wobble, stagger, sway, shake, tremble, vibrate, waver
adj尖刻的acrimonious, bitter, sharp, caustic, harsh
n忠誠allegiance, loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness, integrity
v緩和 平息 appease, placate, mollify, calm, soothe, conciliate
adj機敏的 狡猾的astute, shrewd, acute, canny, sagacious
n徽章 象徵badge, symbol, token, insignia
adj模糊的blurred, dim, indistinct
n迂迴說法circumlocution, paraphrase, periphrasis, indirectness
adj好戰的 好鬥的combative, aggressive, competitive, opposing, antagonistic
n星座constellation, group of stars, stellar group
v定罪convict, sentence
v粉碎 崩潰crumble, disintegrate, decompose, collapse, break up
n終止 死亡demise, extinction, ending
adj悲慘的 恐怖的dire, appealing, dreadful
adj神聖的 神奇的divine, sacred, holy, godly, religious
n缺點drawback, deficiency, defeat, disadvantage
v模仿emulate, mimic, imitate, rival, compete with
adj色情的 性慾的erotic, carnal, lustful, sensual, amatory
adj不穩定的 怪異的erratic, shifting, variable, capricious, abnormal
v利用exploit, utilize, use
n功績exploit, achievement, accomplishment
v說明expound, explain, elucidate, describe, illustrate
v過濾filter, filtrate, refine, screen, sieve, clarify
n過濾器filter, sifter, screen
n嬉戲frolic, fun and games
adj合群的gregarious, sociable, companionable, affable
n洞hollow, cavity, den, hole, pit
adj空心的hollow, empty, void, vacant
v暗示imply, suggest, hint, connote
n病弱者 病人invalid, sick person, patient
adj難以反駁的irrefutable, indisputable, undeniable, unquestionable
n並列juxtaposition, adjacency, vicinity, proximity, closeness
n漏洞loophole, means of escape, excuse, pretense
adj憂鬱的melancholy, sad, gloomy, downcast, depressed, dejected
n壟斷monopoly, exclusive, possession, domination
n富裕 豪華opulence, luxury, affluence, wealth
adj年長的 不斷的perennial, year-round, enduring, perpetual
adj合理的 似真實的plausible, credible, probable, reasonable, tenable
n先決條件 必要條件prerequisite, essential, must, necessity, requirement
v禁止proscribe, prohibit, outlaw, banish
v預演rehearse, practice, prepare
adj共鳴的 回音的resonant, resounding, echoing
adj基本的rudimentary, elementary, primary, fundamental
v取得secure, acquire, gain, obtain
adj安全的secure, sheltered, safe
n毀謗slander, scandal, defamation, backbiting, smear
adj旋轉的spinning, whirling, twirling, swirling, rotating
adj僵硬的stiff, hard, rigid, solid, tense, inflexible
v取代supplant, replace, supersede, take over
v融解thaw, defrost, melt, dissolve
adj整齊的trim, neat, orderly
v修剪trim, prune, cut, clip
v奪取usurp, seize, expropriate
n鄰近vicinity, neighborhood, surrounding, proximity
adj空的void, bare, empty
adj無效的void, ineffective, invalid
n憤怒wrath, vexation, choler, rage, anger
v激發actuate, activate, motivate, incite, stir, arouse
n寓言allegory, parable, fable, tale, story
v鼓掌 稱讚applaud, clap, praise, eulogize
v補償atone, compensate, make up for, recompense, make amends for
v吹噓brag, bluff, exaggerate, boast, crow
n違犯breach, violation, infraction, contravention, disobedience
v打傷 瘀傷bruise, batter, crush
v撞擊clash, bang, crash, rattle
n屍體 殘骸carcass, bang, crash, rattle
n拘束 限制constraint, restraint, coercion, compulsion, limitation
v使殘廢cripple, disable, lame, paralyze
n皮 外殼crust, coating, rind, shell
v破壞 拆除demolish, raze, ruin, tear down, overthrow
v拋棄discard, get rid of, abandon, dispense with, forsake
adj溫順的docile, obedient, gentle, tractable, amenable, manageable
v使浸透drench, soak, douse, saturate, wet
n制定enactment, ordinance, proclamation, commandment, regulation
n爆發erupt, burst, explode, blow up
v使無罪exonerate, free, acquit, vindicate, let off, absolve
adj寬廣的extensive, widespread
adj汙穢的filthy, dirty, nasty, foul
n結霜frost, ice, freeze
adj嚴肅的 恐怖的grim, hideous, merciless, gruesome, ghastly, fierce
n愛好 嗜好 gusto, pleasure, zest, relish
n異教徒heathen, pagan, idolater
n大破壞 屠殺holocaust, disaster, conflagration, inferno, massacre, carnage
n暗指 諷刺innuendo, insinuation, hint, overtone, implication
n, adj相反的inverse, opposition
adj不能彌補的irreparable, irrecoverable, irremediable, unfixable
v掠奪loot, plunder, rob
adj成熟的mellow, ripe, mature
adj悲傷的mournful, tragic, woeful, grievous, sorrowful, sad
n神諭oracle, divine communication, revelation, augury, prophecy
adj口頭的oral, verbal, spoken
v耕作plow, till, cultivate
v命令prescribe, command, impose, assign, dictate, order
v起訴prosecute, sue, try, bring to trial
n贖回 贖金ransom, redemption, release
v償還reimburse, recompense, refund, pay back
adj鄉村的rural, rustic, country, pastoral, agrarian
n部份segment, division, compartment, slice, section, wedge
v砍 削減slash, hack, cut, gash
adj多刺的spiny, prickly, thorny
n恥辱stigma, disgrace, dishonor
adj柔軟的supple, limber, flexible, lithe, bending, pliable
adj治療的therapeutic, curative, healing, salutary, remedial, corrective
adj平凡的 陳腐的trite, banal, stale
adj實用的 功利的utilitarian, practical, pragmatic, useful, functional
adj警戒的vigilant, watchful, wary, alert
adj狼吞虎嚥的voracious, insatiable, gluttonous, ravenous, greedy
n明智acumen, discernment, shrewdness
v使緩和alleviate, allay, relieve, appease, assuage, moderate, mollify
adj異常的 不規則的anomalous, abnormal, atypical, unusual, irregular, odd
v評價appraise, evaluate, estimate, assess, judge, rate, assay
adj奇異的bizarre, odd, eccentric, freakish
v提升boost, promote, lift, hoist
v爭吵brawl, fight, quarrel
n頂點 高潮climax, apogee, acme, highlight
v遵守 順從comply, consent, conform
v限制 壓抑constrict, contract, cramp, compress, bind, hamper
adj脆的crisp, crispy, brittle, crumbly, crunchy
v有罪的 該受譴責的culpable, guilty, blamable, liable, reprehensible, censurable
v表示denote, indicate, mean, signify, imply
v辨別discern, determine, distinguish, detect, discriminate
n教義doctrine, creed, dogma, conviction, precept, teachings, belief
v滴落dribble, trickle, fall in drops, drip
n盡力endeavor, effort, try
v升高 增強escalate, intensify
adj外來的 有異國風味的exotic, alien, foreign, imported, external, extraneous
v抽出extract, draw, pull, pluck out
n忠實 逼真fidelity, faithfulness, devotions
adv合適地fittingly, appropriately, suitably
adj起泡沫的frothy, foamy, sudsy, spumy
v摸索grope, feel, fumble
adj同質的homogenous, uniform, identical, consistent
n吵鬧聲hubbub, tumult, uproar
v灌輸imbue, tinge, saturate
v即席而作improvise, ad-lib, extemporize, play it by ear, speak off the cuff
n邪惡iniquity, wickedness, sin, evil
v使孤立isolate, segregate, insulate
n備忘錄 便條memorandum, memo, note
v覆蓋 muffle, envelop, mask, wrap up, cloak
v降低聲音deaden, hush, quieten
n軌道orbit, course, path, track
n危險peril, danger, hazard, insecurity
n保證pledge, promise, security, vow
v保存preserve, keep, secure, maintain, retain, sustain, conserve
n主角protagonist, central character, hero, heroine, leading character
v重申reiterate, repeat, iterate
n呼吸respiration, breath
v發出沙沙聲rustle, crackle, swish
adj轟動的sensational, exciting, startling, striking, amazing, dramatic, shocking
n屠殺slaughter, massacre, butchery, slaying
adj螺旋的spiral, coiled, winding
v刺激stimulate, incite, provoke
v膨脹swell, expand, dilate, bulge
n街道thoroughfare, avenue, street
adj瑣碎的trivial, trifling, insignificant
n烏托邦 理想國utopia, bliss, heaven, ideal life, paradise, perfect place, Eden
adj充滿活力的vigorous, active, brisk, dynamic, energetic, lively, lusty, vital
n誓約 vow, promise, pledge, oath, troth
adj敏銳的acute, shrewd, sharp, astute
n同盟 合作alliance, connection, league, partnership, union, association
adj憂慮的apprehensive, afraid, anxious, fearful, uneasy, suspicious
adj大膽的 無禮的audacious, bold, daring, impudent, impertinent, insolent
v漂白 變白bleach, blanch, whiten, wash out, lighten
adj荒涼的bleak, desolate, barren, bare
adj無窮的boundless, endless, infinite
v黏著cling, stick, hold, cleave
n成分component, ingredient, element, constituent, segment, unit
adj傳染性的contagious, infectious, spreading, communicable, epidemic, transmissible
n準繩criterion, standard, principle, norm, measure, yardstick, rule
n教派cult, sect, clique, faction
v不履行default, neglect, back out, disregard
v譴責 denounce, attack, censure, condemn, declaim, stigmatize, arraign
v否認disown, disavow, reject, deny, refuse to recognize
v, n訓練drill, exercise, practice, quiz
adj當地的edemic, local, native
n散文 論文essay, paper, article
adj方便的 有利的expedient, convenient, utilitarian, advantageous, beneficial, helpful
adj不相關的extraneous, irrelevant, extrinsic, incidental, immaterial, inessential
n裂痕flaw, crack, break, cleft, rift
n缺點flaw, fault, defect, weakness
adj節儉的frugal, economical, thrifty
adj怪誕的 可笑的grotesque, bizarre, absurd, freakish, odd, weird, whimsical
n小村hamlet, small village, burg
adj有敵意的 hostile, antagonistic, opposed, contrary
adj不明智的imprudent, unwise
v開始 initiate, begin, commence
adj積習的 慢性的inveterate, chronic, deep-rooted, long-standing, entrenched, established
adj巡迴的itinerant, wandering
adj清澈的lucid, transparent, limpid
adj易瞭解的lucid, rational, reasonable
adj滑稽的ludicrous, ridiculous, funny, farcical, absurd, laughable, amusing
v威脅menace, threaten, imperil, terrorize, frighten, browbeat
adj低賤的menial, mean, low, servile, humble, ignoble, abject
n演說oration, speech, address
n嚴格的考驗ordeal, trial, tribulation, agony, affliction, anguish
n偽證罪perjury, giving false testimony
adj易彎曲的pliable, flexible, pliant
adj柔順的pliable, docile, tractable
adj暫時的provisional, temporary
adv相對地relatively, comparatively, by comparison, rather, somewhat, to some extent
v限制restrain, constrain, restrict, limit
adj無情的ruthless, merciless, pitiless, heartless, cruel, brutal
adj不省人事的senseless, numb, unconscious, insensible
adj無意義的senseless, absurd, illogical, irrational
adj苗條的slender, slim, lank, tenuous, slight
n壯觀 splendor, magnificence, grandeur
n投票 同意 suffrage, vote, ballot, approval
v壓制suppress, quell, crack down, subdue, beat down, overpower, stamp out
v興盛thrive, flourish, grow, prosper, bloom, boom, burgeon
n戰利品 獎品trophy, award, booty, laurels, memento, prize, souvenir
adj男性的virile, masculine, manly, manlike, male, macho, robust
adj粗俗的vulgar, uncouth, crude, coarse, unrefined, gross
adj熟練的adept, skillful, proficient, masterful, expert, dexterous
v分配的allocate, distribute, apportion, allot, assign, dispense
n撥款appropriation, funding, allocation, allotment
adj聽得見的audible, hearable, detectable, perceptible, discernible
n汙點blemish, smudge, blur, spot
n花束bouquet, wreath, bunch of flowers, garland
n微風breeze, zephyr, gust, whiff
adj誠實的candid, sincere, honest, guileless, impartial, unprejudiced
v包括comprise, include, contain
v汙染contaminate, pollute, defile, taint, soil, vitiate, tarnish
n評論critique, appraisal, assessment, commentary, review
adj累贅的 笨重的cumbersome, burdensome, heavy, weighty, bulky, inconvenient
adj密集的dense, condensed, close, thick
n弟子 門徒disciple, pupil, follower, believer, devote, votary
adj主要的dominant, major, principal, cardinal, chief, main
n乾旱drought, aridity, lack of rain, dryness, dehydration
n離去exodus, going out, departure, exit, withdrawal, migration
v加速expedite, accelerate, speed, hasten, rush
v解救extricate, release, free, emancipate
adj寂寞的 絕望的forlorn, lonely, hopeless, desolate, friendless
adj俗麗的 耀眼的garish, gaudy, hopeless, desolate, friendless
v發牢騷garish, gaudy, tasteless, glaring, flaunting
n中樞grouch, grumble, complain
adj人道主義的 博愛的humanitarian, humane, compassionate, charitable, philanthropic
v使羞愧humiliate, embarrass, abash, chagrin, debase, shame
adj不活動的 惰性的inert, inactive, motionless, slothful, idle, inanimate, passive
adj天生的innate, inborn, inherent
adj生氣的irate, enraged, furious, wrathful
n旅程itinerary, route, course, schedule
adj可獲利的lucrative, advantageous
adj不熱心的lukewarm, indifferent
v買賣 交易merchandise, trade, deal in, buy and sell, do business
adj日常的mundane, commonplace, everyday, humdrum, ordinary, routine
adj有機性的organic, animate, biological, live, natural, biotic
v死亡 滅亡perish, die, decease
adj永久的 不變的permanent, everlasting, persistent, perpetual, invariable, unchanging
n苦境plight, predicament, difficulty, dilemma
v降落 凝結precipitate, fling, cast
adj盛行的prevalent, popular
v收回redeem, regain, retrieve
v重新開始resume, continue
adj感官的 感覺的 感官快樂的 sensuous, hedonistic, gratifying, sensory, lush
adj容易發怒的splenetic, irritable
n堅忍stoicism, fortitude, calmness, forbearance, stolidity
v接替supersede, replace, take over
n大浪surge, wave, billow, flow
v力推thrust, shove, push, propel
adj攻擊的truculent, bellicose, aggressive, fierce, violent, defiant
adj翠綠的verdant, green
adj易受傷害的vulnerable, susceptible, unprotected, easily hurt, assailable, defenseless



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