目前分類:Client (25)

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Did tour an American client for a day tour and 2 evening night market tour, he learnt how to use chopsticks! ;)

SoFi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Did tour a very shy Japanese girl and a Sony boy in Shida night market, although their English are not so good, we did try to use body language to talk, this encourages me to learn Japanese well! :)

SoFi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Did tour my first 10 Philippines for one day tour, it was a challenge for me as there are so many people. They are so nice and friendly! I can sense the easy hospitality from Philippine, thank you giving me a chance to smile with you. ;)

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  • Mar 02 Mon 2009 12:51
  • 1 UK

Did tour my first UK client from Israel in Shida night market. He is a writer, very interesting communication, the most unforgettable question he ask is “Why so many food here is deep-fried and you don't eat salad a lot, but the people here is so skinny?” Anybody knows why? :P 

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Did have my first tour for 2 smart Japanese clients separately at the same evening in Shida night market, very nervous but I did try to tour them as best as I can. :)

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