
Changing cloth is a feeling of Quality 修改衣服,是一種質感。


   台北北投文馨媽媽 修改衣服換拉鍊達人 Cloth Change Taipei


Do you have any problem with your cloth?
Do you have a hole in your jeans?
We are close to Beitou, Shilin, Tianmu.
Let us make some magic to your cloth!

I'm a professional cloth changer/modifier for over 20 years! :)

Mobile: +886 933-036-189, +886-2-28940189, +886 918-030-189
Address: No. 16, Lane 474, Zhonghe St, Beitou District, Taipei City, 112 Google Map

Changing & Modifying & Ironing:
* Jeans, trousers, waistline, length, etc
* Jackets, shirts, dresses, etc
* Replace zippers, elastic band, etc


New opening Costco Beitou only 5 minutes to our location! (Costco Beitou address: No. 118-119, Lide Rd., Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan)
Before your shopping, drop your cloth to us, we will finish when you come back from shopping, isn't it a great idea?
Google Map:

Home Delivery Service, Starting!
If you are lazy to go out, we could serve you by home delivery.
Kind send us FB msg, we will let you know transportation fee based on your location.

Facebook Check-In Our Location, Starting!
If you like our warm service, check-in our location, let your friends know:
台北北投文馨媽媽 修改衣服換拉鍊達人 Cloth Change Taipei


我們靠近北投, 士林, 天母。
讓我們為您的衣服, 施點魔法吧!

電話 +886 933-036-189, +886-2-28940189 , +886 918-030-189
地址 台北市北投區中和街474巷16號1樓 Google地圖

* 燙衣服
* 修改: 牛仔褲、西褲、外套、襯衫、洋裝、裙子等
* 換拉鍊、鬆緊帶


新開幕的北投好市多, 到我們店裡只要5分鐘喔! ( 北投好市多 地址: 台北市北投區立德路117號 )
如果您來好市多前, 先到我們店, 等您採購完, 我們也會幫您把衣服修改好, 是不是很方便呢? Google地圖


到府收送服務 開始囉!
若您懶得出門的話, 我們可以貼心地到你家收件跟送件。
請私訊告訴我們您的位置, 根據您的位置, 交通費會有差別喔~

臉書打卡活動 開始囉!
如果您到我們店, 打個卡, 就可以讓你的朋友猜猜你是不是變瘦了?

台北北投文馨媽媽 修改衣服換拉鍊達人 Cloth Change Taipei




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